This is an automatic translation, may be incorrect in some places. See sources and examples!
Productive library for managing step engines with Arduino
- Support for 4 pine (step and hemisphere) and step-dir drivers
- automatic power outage when reaching the goal
- operating modes:
- rotation with a given speed.Smooth acceleration and braking with acceleration
- Following the position with the acceleration and limitation of speed
- Following a position with a given speed (without acceleration)
- Fast algorithm for managing steps
- support of "virtual" drivers
- Built -in multi -axis trajectory planner
Compatible with all arduino platforms (used arduino functions)
There is [extended documentation] to the library (
- [installation] (# Install)
- [STEPPERCORE] (# Core)
- [gyverstepper] (#stepper)
- [gyverstepper2] (# STEPPER2)
- [gyverplanner] (# Planner)
- [gyverplanner2] (# Planner2)
- [versions] (#varsions)
- [bugs and feedback] (#fedback)
The library contains a set of tools for different scenarios for working with walking engines -STEPPERCORE.H[Class ** STEPPER **]: the core of all other classes, knows how to quickly click with pins (AVR) and take one step for a configured type of driver.Supports 4 phases of the step/hemisphere, as well as STEP-dir drivers. -gyverstepper.h[class ** gstepper **]: the main heavy library, a lot of settings.The movement of one motor with acceleration to a given position or rotation with a given speed.Not very optimal work in interrupting the timer. -gyverstepper2.h[class ** gstepper2 **]: a new lightweight version of GyversStepper is almost completely compatible with it.A more optimal integer hybrid motion algorithm with acceleration, lightweight.Optimized to work in the interruption of the timer. -gyverplanner.h[class ** gplanner **]: a multi -axis trajectory planner, acceleration (2 order).Stop at each point.The optimal work in interrupting the timer. -gyverplanner2.h[class ** gplanner2 **]: a multi -axis trajectory planner, acceleration (2 order).Speed planning on the route, optimal traffic to points.The optimal work in interrupting the timer.
- The library can be found by the name ** gyverstepper ** and installed through the library manager in:
- Arduino ide
- Arduino ide v2
- Platformio
- [download the library] ( .Zip archive for manual installation:
- unpack and put in * C: \ Program Files (X86) \ Arduino \ Libraries * (Windows X64)
- unpack and put in * C: \ Program Files \ Arduino \ Libraries * (Windows X32)
- unpack and put in *documents/arduino/libraries/ *
- (Arduino id) Automatic installation from. Zip: * sketch/connect the library/add .Zip library ... * and specify downloaded archive
- Read more detailed instructions for installing libraries [here] (
- I recommend always updating the library: errors are corrected in new versions andCranberries, as well as optimization and new features are added
- through the IDE library manager: find the library how to install and click "update"
- Manually: ** remove the folder with the old version **, and then put a new one in its place.“Replacement” cannot be done: sometimes in new versions, files that remain when replacing are deleted and can lead to errors!
The nucleus of the library for managing step engines:
- 4 phase and STEP DIR Drivers
- PIN support EN
- Virtual driver
- Quick IO algorithm for avr
`` `CPP STEPPER STEPPER (STEP, DIR);// Driver STEP-DIR STEPPER STEPPER (STEP, DIR, EN);// Driver STEP-DIR + PIN Enable STEPPER stpeper (PIN1, PIN2, PIN3, PIN4);// driver 4 PIN STEPPER stPper (PIN1, PIN2, PIN3, PIN4, EN);// Driver 4 PIN + Enable STEPPER <STEPPER4Wire_HALF> STEPPER (PIN1, PIN2, PIN3, PIN4);// Driver 4 Pin Hole STEPPER <STEPPER4Wire_HALF> STEPPER (PIN1, PIN2, PIN3, PIN4, EN);// Driver 4 Pin Hole + Enable
`` `CPP VOID STEP ();// make a step VOID Inverten (Bool Val);// Invert behavior en pina VOID Reverse (Bool Val);// Invert the direction of the motor Void Disable ();// Disconnect power and EN VOID Enable ();// Turn on power and en VOID Power (Bool);// Switch power VOID Attachstep (VOID (*handler) (uint8_t));// Connect the step processor VOID Attachpower (VOID (*handler) (bool));// Connect the food handler
int32_t pos;// current position in steps int8_t dir;// Direction (1, -1) `` `
The rest of the examples look at ** Examples **! `` `CPP #include <steppercore.h> STEPPER STEPPER (2, 3);
VOID setup () { stepper.dir = 1;// or -1 stepper.pos = 0;// access to position }
VOID loop () { // Twist manually STEPPER.STEP ();// make a step Delay (10); } `` `
- Gstepper2 is much easier and more optimized
- Gstepper2 is more designed to move along the trajectory points, but the "following" mode in it also works
- Gstepper2 is optimized to work in a timer interruption
- Gstepper2 uses a smooth motor motion algorithm by default
- Gstepper2 is likely to load the microcontroller a little more during operation than Gstepper.But much less than Gstepper in Smooth_algorithm mode
- Fast algorithm (by default): Two timers were instituted in the library: a step timer (different period) and a planner timer (10-30 milliseconds).According to the planner, the trajectory is recalculated and the direction of movement and the current necessary speed is calculated.From this speed, a new period is obtained for the steps of steps.
- smooth algorithm (Smooth_algorithm settings): one step timer works, at every step the speed of movement and time is recalculated until the next step.
- A smooth profile (by default): The Smooth_algorithm smooth motion algorithm is used here in Gstepper, but optimized and accelerated by 2-3 times.All heavy calculations of the trajectories are made when setting a new target position in Settarget.Further along the steps of steps, the motor steps and quickly calculates the new time of the next step.This allows you to spend a minimum of time interrupting the timer if it is used.
- Fast profile (Setting GS_FAST_PROFILE): Everything is the same, but in the steps of steps there is no calculation, but the choice of the period from the pre -calculated table, which allowsis to be accelerated up to speeds of 30,000 steps per second.
Library for managing step engines with Arduino
- Support for 4 pine (step and hemisphere) and step-dir drivers
- automatic power outage when reaching the goal
- operating modes:
- rotation with a given speed.Smooth acceleration and braking with acceleration
- Following the position with the acceleration and limitation of speed
- Following a position with a given speed (without acceleration)
`CPP // stps - steps for one turn of the shaft (for calculations with degrees) // STEP, DIR, PIN1, PIN2, PIN3, PIN4 - Any GPIO // en - Pin disconnecting the driver, any GPIO Gstepper <stepper2wire> stepper (Steps, STEP, DIR);// Driver STEP-DIR Gstepper <stepper2wire> stepper (Steps, STEP, DIR, EN);// Driver STEP-DIR + PIN Enable GSTEPPER <TPPER4Wire> STEPPER (STEPS, PIN1, PIN2, PIN3, PIN4);// driver 4 PIN GSTEPPER <TPPER4Wire> STEPPER (STEPS, PIN1, PIN2, PIN3, PIN4, EN);// Driver 4 PIN + Enable Gstepper <stPper4wire_HALF> stPper (STEPS, PIN1, PIN2, PIN3, PIN4);// Driver 4 Pin Hole Gstepper <stepper4wire_half> stepper (stps, Pin1, PIN2, PIN3, PIN4, EN);// Driver 4 Pin Hole + Enable GSTEPPER <stPper4Wire, STEPPER_VIRTUAL> STEPPER (2048);// virtual driver, indicate only the number of steps
`` `CPP // Note: Further in the text by default, I mean "even if not to cause a function"
// The movement of the motor occurs here, call as often as possible! // has a built -in timer // Returns True if the motor moves to the target or spins along Keep_Speed Bool Tick ();
// Returns the same as Tick, i.e.The motor is spinning or not Bool getstate ();
// Invert the direction of the motor - True (by default. False) VOID Reverse (Bool Dir);
// Invert the behavior en Pina - True (by silence. False) VOID Inverten (Bool Rev);
// Installation of the operating mode, mode: // follow_pos - following the position of Settarget (...) // keep_Speed - holding speed of setspeed (...) VOID Setrunmode (GS_RUNMODE MODE);
// Installation of the current position of the motor in steps and degrees VOID setcurrent (LONG POS); VOID setcurrentdeg (Float POS);
// Reading the current position of the motor in steps and degrees Long getcurrent (); Float getcurrentdeg ();
// Installation of the target position in steps and degrees (for the FOLLOW_POS mode) // type - absolute or relative, by default costs absolute VOID settarget (LONG POS); VOID settarget (LONG POS, GS_Postype Type); Void settargetdeg (Float POS); VOID settargetdeg (Float Pos, GS_Postype Type);
// Obtaining the target position in steps and degrees Long gettarget (); Float gettargetdeg ();
// Installation of maximum speed (according to the module) in steps/second and degrees/second (for Follow_POS mode) // by the silence.300 VOID setmaxSpeed (Float Speed); VOID setmaxSpeeddeg (Float Speed);
// Installation of acceleration in steps and degrees per second (for the Follow_POS mode). // at a value of 0 acceleration is turned off and the motor works // according to the profile of constant maximum speed setmaxSpeed (). // by the silence.300 VOID setaccoleration (Intscel); VOID setaccolerationdeg (Float Accel);
// Auto Detection EN when reaching the position - True (by the silence. False) Void Autopower (Bool Mode);
// smooth stop with a given acceleration VOID Stop ();
// Hard stop VOID Brake ();
// hard stop + reset of position in 0 (for endings) VOID Reset ();
// Installation of targeted speed in steps/second and degrees/second (for Keep_Speed mode) VOID SetSpeed (Float Speed); VOID SetSpeeddeg (Float Speed);
// Obtaining targeted speed in steps/second and degrees/second (for Keep_Speed mode) Float GetSpeed (); Float getspeeddeg ();
// Turn on the motor (PIN EN) VOID Enable ();
// Turn off the motor (PIN EN) Void Disable ();
// Returns the minimum period of the tick of the motor in microseconds at the settled setmaxSpeed () speed. // can be used to configure the timer interruptions, in the processor of whichwow will be tick () (see Timerisr example) uint16_t getminperiod ();
// The current period "TIKA" for debugging and all of this uint16_t steptime;
// connect an external processor for step and switch power Void Attachstep (Handler) Void Attachpower (Handler) `` `
The rest of the examples look at ** Examples **! `` `CPP #include <gyverstepper.h> GSTEPPER STEPPER (2048, 5, 3, 4, 2);
VOID setup () { Serial.Begin (115200); // Speed maintenance mode STEPPER.SETRUNMODE (keep_Speed);
// you can set the speed STEPPER.SETSPEED (120);// in steps/second STEPPER.SETSPEEDDEG (80);// in degrees/s
// Message to the target position STEPPER.SETRUNMODE (follow_pos);
// you can establish a position STEPPER.SETTARGET (-2024);// in steps STEPPER.SETTARGETDEG (-360);// In degrees
// Installation Max.speeds in degrees/s STEPPER.SetmaxSpeeddeg (400);
// Installation Max.Speed in steps/second STEPPER.SetmaxSpeed (400);
// Installation of acceleration in degrees/second STEPPER.SETACCELERATIONDEG (300);
// Installation of acceleration in steps/sec/s STEPPER.SETACCELERATION (300);
// Disconnect the motor when reaching the goal STEPPER.Autopower (True);
// Turn on the motor (if the pin is specified) STEPPER.ENABLE (); }
VOID loop () { // just twist tudes-fuckers if (! stepper.tick ()) { Static Bool Dir; Dir =! Dir; STEPPER.SETTARGET (DIR? -1024: 1024); } } `` `
Lightened GyverstePper
- easier for a few KB, all the integer
- increased accuracy of positioning
- more effective hybrid motion algorithm
- Movement to the goal with acceleration
- rotation at speed
- Max.speed:
- Conventional mode: 37,000 step/s on full, 18,000 step/s on acceleration
- Fast profile: 37000 step/s on full, 37,000 step/s on acceleration
- optimized for the interruption of the timer
- settarget ()/settargetdeg () sends the motor to the specified position
- The movement occurs in Tick (), which needs to be interviewed constantly.Either in Tickmanual, which must be called with a period received from Getperiod () and recount on each step
- Tick () will return True if the motor is spinning
- Ready () will return True once if the motor has reached the target and stopped
- while moving towards the target, you can call PAUSE (), then the engine will reach the point and stop, Ready () will not return True
- while moving towards the target, you can cause Stop (), then the motor will slow down with a given acceleration, Ready () will not return True
- while moving towards the target, you can call Brake (), then the motor will stop, Ready () will not return True
- after stopping, you can call resume (), the motor will continue to move to the target
- Constant rotation is set by SetSpeed ()/setSpeeddeg ().You can stop abruptly - Stop () or Brake ()
- Speed and acceleration can be set at any time, but they are used after stopping the motor!
`` `CPP GSTEPPER2 STEPPER (WHECHOOL REGULATION, STEP, DIR);// Driver STEP-DIR GSTEPPER2 STEPPER (WHECHOOL REGULATION, STEP, DIR, EN);// Driver STEP-DIR + PIN Enable GSTEPPER2 STEPPER (WHECHOOL, PIN1, PIN2, PIN3, PIN4);// driver 4 PIN GSTEPPER2 STEPPER (WHECHOOL, PIN1, PIN2, PIN3, PIN4, EN);// Driver 4 PIN + Enable Gstepper2 <stPper4Wire_HALF> stPper (step -off, PIN1, PIN2, PIN3, PIN4);// Driver 4 Pin Hole GSTEPPER2 <stPper4Wire_HALF> STEPPER (Shagyna Two, PIN1, PIN2, PIN3, PIN4, EN);// Driver 4 Pin Hole + Enable
GSTEPPER2 <stPper2Wire, STEPPER_VIRTUAL> STEPPER;// STEP-DIR virtual driver Gstepper2 <stPper4wire, stpeper_virtual> stPper;// virtual driver 4 pin `` `
`` `CPP // === Inherited from stepper ===== VOID STEP ();// make a step VOID Inverten (Bool Val);// Invert behavior en pina VOID ReVerse (Bool Val);// Invert the direction of the motor Void Disable ();// Disconnect power and EN VOID Enable ();// Turn on power and en VOID Attachstep (VOID (*handler) (uint8_t));// Connect the step processor VOID Attachpower (VOID (*handler) (bool));// Connect the food handler
int32_t pos;// current position in steps int8_t dir;// Direction (1, -1)
// ========= gstepper2 ============= // ticker Bool Tick ();// Move ticker, call often.Will return True if the motor moves Bool Tickmanual ();// Hand Ticker for calling in interrupting the timer with the Getperiod () period.Will return True if the motor moves Bool Ready ();// True will return once if the motor has reached the established position and stopped
// rotation VOID SetSpeed (Int16_T Speed);// set speed in steps/s and start rotation VOID SetSpeed (Float Speed);// set speed in steps/seconds and start rotation
// Movement to the goal VOID settarget (int32_t ntar, gs_postype type = Absolute);// Set the target in steps and optionally Absolute/Relative mode VOID settargetdeg (int32_t ntar, gs_postype type = absolute);// set a target in degrees and optionally Absolute/Relative mode int32_t gettarget ();// Get a target position in steps
VOID setaccoleration (uint16_t na);// Installation of acceleration in the step/sec^2 VOID SetmaxSpeed (Intsed);// set the speed of movement when following the settarget () position in steps/s VOID setmaxSpeed (Float Speed);// set the speed of movement when following the settarget () position in steps/sec, float VOID setmaxSpeedDeg (int spEED);// set the speed of movement when following a position in the city/s VOID setmaxSpeeddeg (Float Speed);// Set the speed of movement when following a position in hail/s, float
VOID setcurrent (int32_t npos);// set the current position int32_t getcurrent ();// get the current position VOID Reset ();// drop the current position in 0
// Everyone Void Autopower (Bool Mode);// Auto Detachment of the motor when reaching the position - True (by silence. False) uint32_t getperiod ();// get the current period of ticks VOID Brake ();// stop the motor abruptly VOID PAUSE ();// pause - get to a given point and wait (Ready () will not return True until you are on a pause) VOID Resume ();// Continue movement after stopping/pause uint8_t getstatus ();// current status: 0 - stand, 1 - go, 2 - we go to the point of the pause, 3 - we spin at speed, 4 - inhibit
// ===== defines settings ======== // definate before connecting the library #define GS_NO_ACCEL // Disable the movement module with acceleration (reduce code weight)
#define gs_fast_profile size_massive (for example 10) Includes a fast speed planner.Acceleration/braking area is broken For the indicated number of segments (+8 bytes of SRAM to the site), the speed will be the same on them. This allows you to quickly calculate the speed of the motor and reach 30,000 step/s on the acceleration site (in normal mode, half as much). `` `
The rest of the examples look at ** Examples **! `` `CPP // Twist here, tick in look
#include "gyverstepper2.h" GSTEPPER2 STEPPER (2048, 2, 3);
VOID setup () { Serial.Begin (9600); //stepper.enable (); STEPPER.SetmaxSpeed (100);// speed to the target STEPPER.SETACCELERATION (200);// Acceleration STEPPER.SETTARGET (300);// target }
Bool Dir = 1; VOID loop () { STEPPER.Tick ();// Motor asynchronously spins here
// if you arrive if ( ()) { Dir =! Dir;// unfold STEPPER.SETTARGET (DIR * 300);// We go the other way }
// asynchronous conclusion to the port Static uint32_t tmr; if (millis () - tmr> = 30) { TMR = Millis (); Serial.println (stpeper.pos); } } `` `
A multi -axis planner of trajectories for walking engines and creating a CNC machine
- Stop at each point.One next position
- Max.speed:
- Conventional mode: 37,000 step/s on full, 14,000 step/s on acceleration
- Fast profile: 37000 step/s on full, 37,000 step/s on acceleration
- trapezoidal speed profile (2nd order planner)
- setting speed and acceleration
- Any number of axes.Will move synchronously to the set goals
- fast integer model of path planning and speed
- regime of constant rotation for one axis (for movement towards the end for example)
- Brake/smooth stop/pause on the planner trajectory
- optimized for the interruption of the timer
- Fast control of steps steps for Arduino avr
- Speed and acceleration can be set at any time, but they are used after stopping the motor!
The planner controls any number of engines, rotating them to the indicated position.In this version stops at each point of the trajectory, after which the flag of Ready () rises and expects installations of the next point.
- See the simulation in Processing: Planner Simulation/Planner folder
`CPP GPlanner <driver, number of axes> Planner;
`` `CPP VOID Addstepper (Uint8_T Axis, STEPPER & STP);// Connect the STEPPER class motor on the axis axis // Note: the type of driver should match the planner and motors
VOID Setbacklash (Uint8_t Axis, Uint16_T Steps);// Set the back of the ramp on the axis axis in the number of steps steps VOID Enable ();// Turn on the motors Void Disable ();// Turn off the motors VOID Power (Bool V);// Switch power
// SETTINGS VOID setmaxSpeed (Float NV);// Installation of the maximum speed of the planner in the step/s VOID setaccoleration (uint16_t na);// Installation of acceleration of the planner in the step/sec^2
// planner uint32_t getperiod ();// returns time to the ISS until the next call Tick/Tickmanual Bool Ready ();// True - ready to accept the next point of the route VOID PAUSE ();// pause (get to a given point and wait).Ready () will not return True until you are on a pause VOID Stop ();// Stop smoothly (with a given acceleration) VOID Brake ();// sharply stop the motors from any regime VOID Resume ();// Continue after stopping/pauses VOID Reset ();// throw off the counters of all motors in 0 VOID Home ();// Send to 0 for all axes uint8_t getstatus ();// current status: 0 - stand, 1 - go, 2 - we go to the point of the pause, 3 -t - we circle at speed
// SPEED VOID SetSpeed (Uint8_t Axis, Float Speed);// Permanent rotation mode for axis axis at the speed of Speed Step/S (MB Neutheity)
// Position VOID setcurrent (int16_t cur []);// establish the current position of the engines VOID setcurrent (int32_t cur []);// establish the current position of the engines Int32_T Getcurrent (int Axis);// Get the current position on the axis axis
// set the target in steps and start movement.Type - Absolute // Absolute - specific coordinates of the point where to move // Relative - displacement relative to the current motors provisions // will return True if the goal is set.FALSE if the goal coincides with the current Bool settarget (int32_t target []); Bool settarget (int16_t target []); Bool settarget (int32_t target [], type); Bool settarget (int16_t target [], type); Int32_T Gettarget (int Axis);// Get a target in steps on axis axis
// ticker // ticker, call as often as possible.Will return True if the motor is spinning // Steps are taken here both for movement by points and for speed rotation Bool Tick ();
// Hand ticker for a call in an interruption or somewhere else.20..50 US is performed Bool Tickmanual ();
// ======= The defines of settings ========== // announce before connecting the library #define gs_fast_profile size_massive (for example 10) Includes a fast speed planner.Acceleration/braking area is broken For the indicated number of segments (+8 bytes of SRAM to the site), the speed will be the same on them. This allows you to quickly calculate the speed of the motor and reach 30,000 step/s on the acceleration site (in normal mode, half as much). `` `
The rest of the examples look at ** Examples **! `` `CPP // Basic example: how to create and launch a planner // When starting, the motors will be sent to the first position // when reaching - on the second.After that, the movement will stop // Open Plotter and see graphs
#incLude "gyverplanner.h" // Create the motors of the STEPPER class indicating the type of driver and pins // Motors should be with the same type of driver // Here they are handsome STEPPER STEPPER1 (2, 3); STEPPER STEPPER2 (4, 5);
// Create a planner, indicate in <> the type of driver like motors // and the number of axes equal to the number of engines (any more than 1) GPlanner <stPper2Wire, 2> Planner;
VOID setup () { Serial.Begin (115200); // Add steps to the axis Planner.Addstepper (0, STEPPER1);// axis 0 Planner.Addstepper (1, STEPPER2);// axis 1
// set acceleration and speed Planner.Setacceleration (100); Planner.SetmaxSpeed (300);
Planner.Reset ();// Reset all positions in 0 (they are already in 0 at launch)
// array with target positions of the axes, the size of the array is equal to the number of axes int target [] = {300, 200};
// Send Planner.Settarget (Target); }
VOID loop () { // here is the movement of motors, call as often as possible Planner.Tick ();
// will return True if all the engines have arrived if ( ()) { // Download a new point int Newtarget [] = {10, 50}; Planner.Settarget (Newtarget); }
// asynchronously I bring graphics to the port Static uint32_t tmr; if (millis () - tmr> = 20) { TMR = Millis (); Serial.print (stPper1.pos); Serial.print (','); Serial.println (stPper2.pos); } } `` `
A multi -axis planner of trajectories for walking engines and creating a CNC machine
- Speed planning on the route.Customer buffer
- Max.speed:
- Conventional mode: 37,000 step/s on full, 14,000 step/s on acceleration
- Fast profile: 37000 step/s on full, 37,000 step/s on acceleration
- trapezoidal speed profile (2nd order planner)
- setting speed and acceleration
- Any number of axes.Will move synchronously to the set goals
- fast integer model of path planning and speed
- regime of constant rotation for one axis (for movement towards the end for example)
- Brake/smooth stop/pause on the planner trajectory
- optimized for the interruption of the timer
- Fast control of steps steps for Arduino avr
- Speed and acceleration can be set at any time, but they are used after stopping the motor!
The planner controls any number of engines, rotating them to the indicated position.In this version A trajectory buffer is implemented, which can be filled with dots while Available () returns True. Addtarget () accepts:
- array of points specified in the initialization of the size
- Stop flag.If you transfer 1 - the planner stops the engine at this point and will wait for the further resume () command ()
- Type of point: absolute (absolute coordinate) or relative (relative to the previous point)
Когда плаанировщик приезжает до точки остановки - он встаёт на паузу (например для включения выключенияtool), After performing the necessary actions, we call Resume () and he continues to move. Unlike the previous GPlanner, the GPlanner2 has been implemented by the path of the path in the buffer and planning speeds for all points, which allows the system to move faster and not slow down at each point.
- See the simulation in Processing: Planner Simulation/Planner2 folder
`CPP GPlanner2 <driver, number of axes> Planner;// Announcement GPlanner2 <driver, number of axes, buffer size> Planner;// + buffer size (in silence 32)
`` `CPP VOID Addstepper (Uint8_T Axis, STEPPER & STP);// Connect the STEPPER class motor on the axis axis // Note: the type of driver should match the planner and motors
VOID Setbacklash (Uint8_t Axis, Uint16_T Steps);// Set the back of the ramp on the axis axis in the number of steps steps VOID Enable ();// Turn on the motors Void Disable ();// Turn off the motors VOID Power (Bool V);// Switch power
// SETTINGS VOID setmaxSpeed (Float NV);// Installation of the maximum speed of the planner in the step/s VOID setaccoleration (uint16_t na);// Installation of acceleration of the planner in the step/sec^2 VOID Setdta (Float Newdta);// Install DT shift shifts in a turn, 0.0 ..
// planner uint32_t getperiod ();// returns time to the ISS until the next call Tick/Tickmanual VOID Start ();// Start work VOID Stop ();// Stop smoothly (with a given acceleration) VOID Brake ();// sharply stop the motors from any regime VOID Resume ();// Continue after stopping or the final point of the route VOID Reset ();// throw off the counters of all motors in 0 Bool Ready ();// Flag of reaching a stop point.After it you need to call resume Bool Available ();// True - there is a place for a new point in the planner's buffer
uint8_t getstatus ();// current status: // 0 Waiting for the command (stopped) // 1 waiting for the buffer // 2 on the way // 3 per pause // 4 on stop // 5 SetSpeed is spinning
// SPEED VOID SetSpeed (Uint8_t Axis, Float Speed);// Permanent rotation mode for axis axis at the speed of Speed Step/S (MB Neutheity)
// Position // Add a new point of the route.Coordinate array, ending flag and absolute/relative VOID Addtarget (Int32_t Tar [], Uint8_t L, GS_Postype Type = Absolute); VOID Addtarget (int16_t tar [], uint8_t l, gs_postype test = absolute); // Absolute - specific coordinates of the point where to move // Relative - displacement relative to the current motors provisions
VOID setcurrent (int16_t cur []);// establish the current position of the engines VOID setcurrent (int32_t cur []);// establish the current position of the engines Int32_T Getcurrent (int Axis);// Get the current position on the axis axis Int32_T Gettarget (int Axis);// Get the current target in steps on the axis axis
// ticker // ticker, call as often as possible.Will return True if the motor is spinning // Steps are taken here for movement by points, for rotation in speed, as well as restructuring the buffer Bool Tick ();
// Hand ticker for a call in an interruption or somewhere else.20..50 US is performed Bool Tickmanual ();
// Buffer handler.It itself is called in Tick.It is necessary to call manually when working with Tickmanual // will return True if the planner sent motors to a new position (at that moment you can run the timer) Void Checkbuffer ();
// ======= The defines of settings ========== // announce before connecting the library #define gs_fast_profile size_massive (for example 10) Includes a fast speed planner.Acceleration/braking area is broken for the indicated number of segments (+8 bytes SRAM for the site), onThe cranberries will be the same. This allows you to quickly calculate the speed of the motor and reach 30,000 step/s on the acceleration site (in normal mode, half as much). `` `
The rest of the examples look at ** Examples **! `` `CPP // Example with a route recorded in memory // See the schedule, or better start the STEPPERPLOT
int path [] [2] = {{ {100, 250}, {160, 30}, {230, 250}, {60, 100}, {270, 100}, };
// number of points (let the compiler consider it) // as the weight of the total array / (2+2) byte int nodeamount = sizeof (Path) / 4;
#include "gyverplanner2.h" STEPPER STEPPER1 (2, 3); STEPPER STEPPER2 (4, 5); GPlanner2 <STEPPER2Wire, 2> Planner;
VOID setup () { Serial.Begin (115200); // Add steps to the axis Planner.Addstepper (0, STEPPER1);// axis 0 Planner.Addstepper (1, STEPPER2);// axis 1
// set acceleration and speed Planner.Setacceleration (500); Planner.SetmaxSpeed (500);
// The starting point of the system should coincide with the first point of the route Planner.Setcurrent (Path [0]); Planner.Start (); }
int// Mainplane Mixture meter VOID loop () { // here is the movement of motors, call as often as possible Planner.Tick ();
// If there is a place in the planner's buffer if (Planner.available ()) { // Add the point of the route and whether it is a stop point (0 - no) Planner.Addtarget (Path [Count], 0); IF (++ Count> = Sizeof (Path) / 4) Count = 0;// Clothing }
// asynchronously I bring graphics to the port Static uint32_t tmr; if (millis () - tmr> = 20) { TMR = Millis (); Serial.print (stPper1.pos); Serial.print (','); Serial.println (stPper2.pos); } } `` `
- V1.1 - added the possibility of smooth speed control in Keep_Speed (see example of acceldeccelbutton)
- V1.2 - Added support ESP8266
- V1.3 - Changed the logic of Settarget (, Relative)
- v1.4 - added a delay for STEP, you can configure the define Driver_Step_Time
- V1.5 - Filled Bag for Plates ESP
- V1.6 - Fixed a stop for STEPPER4Wire_HALF, speed can be set in Float (for slow speeds)
- V1.7 - Bug corrected in negative speed (thanks to Evgeny Solodov)
- V1.8 - Fixed Keep_Speed mode
- V1.9 - Fixed error with ESP function max
- V1.10 - increased accuracy
- v1.11 - increased accuracy of the speed task
- V1.12 - The smooth work in Keep_Speed is featured.Added support for "external" drivers.The SMOOTH argument from SetSpeed is removed
- v1.13 - small bugs, optimization are fixed
- V1.14 - Fixed errors of dispersal and braking in Keep_Speed
- V1.15 - Optimization, small bugs are fixed, Stop () no longer drops MaxSpeed
- v1.15.2 - added enable EN if specified, even with Autopower disconnected
- V2.0 - optimization.The nucleus of the step is taken into a separate STEPPER class.Added multi -axial trajectory planners
- V2.1 - added Gyverstepper2, a simplified and optimized version of Gyverstepper
- V2.1.1 - Fixed a bug in Gyverstepper
- V2.1.2 - Digispark compatibility
- V2.1.3 - Follow_POS repaired in Gstepper, repaired Relative in GPlanner2 and corrected the bug with jerks
- V2.1.4 - GPlanner2: corrected jerks, added adaptive rebuilding the trajectory without stops, a bit optimized the calculations
- V2.1.5 - the ability to change speed and acceleration during the planner’s operation (GSTEPPER2, GPlanner, GPlanner2)
- V2.1.6 - Fixed compilation error when calling Disable () to Gstepper
- v2.1.7 - added Clearbuffer () to gplanner2
- V2.1.8 - Optimization, fixed Keep_Speed to gstepper
- V2.2.0 - added the high -speed GS_FAST_PROFILE profile for gstepper2, GPlanner, GPlanner2.Supporting the "tracking" mode for gstepper2
- V2.2.1 - Small SRAM optimization
- V2.3 - FIX Compiler Warnings, ESP32 support
- V2.4 - increased smoothness of the movement of steps in Planner and Planner2.Fixed a bug in STEPPER2
- v2.5 - Fixed a smooth speed change for Keep_Speed
- V2.6
- Disable () in virtual mode disconnects the signal from the motor (for 4-provdrivers)
- Improved performance for STEP-DIR drivers
- added Autopower () to gstepper2
- Fixed a jerk when changing the direction to Gstepper
- V2.6.1 - Corrected Baga in Gstepper2
- V2.6.2 - Optimized calculations in Gstepper2, GPlanner and GPlanner2
- V2.6.3 - Reverse () in the STEP -dir driver is now used immediately
- V2.6.4 - Fixed Relative Settarget () at Gplanner #11
- V2.7
- Fixed various compilation errors
- Fixed some critical bugs
- Added power management to the planners
- added backlash compensation to planners
- Fixed bugs with zero acceleration in all libraries
- Fixed a slow stop and a blow with a large acceleration
- increased performance for ESP8266
Create ** Issue ** when you find the bugs, and better immediately write to the mail [] (mailto: The library is open for refinement and your ** pull Request ** 'ow!
When reporting about bugs or incorrect work of the library, it is necessary to indicate:
- The version of the library
- What is MK used
- SDK version (for ESP)
- version of Arduino ide
- whether the built -in examples work correctly, in which the functions and designs are used, leading to a bug in your code
- what code has been loaded, what work was expected from it and how it works in reality
- Ideally, attach the minimum code in which the bug is observed.Not a canvas of a thousand lines, but a minimum code