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CSS Basics

Welcome to the CSS Basics repository! This repository serves as a comprehensive guide and reference for learning CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), the standard language for styling web pages and web applications.


This repository is designed to provide you with a solid foundation in CSS, covering everything from basic styles to more advanced concepts. Whether you're a beginner just starting out or looking to refresh your knowledge, you'll find valuable resources and examples here to help you understand and master CSS.

Completion       Visitors

CSS Course

What is CSS?

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is the language used to style and layout web pages. It allows you to apply styles to HTML elements, control the layout of multiple web pages all at once, and make your web pages responsive and visually appealing.

Key Features

  • Styling: CSS provides a wide range of properties to style HTML elements, including fonts, colors, margins, padding, and borders.
  • Layout: CSS enables you to control the layout of web pages using techniques like Flexbox, Grid, and positioning.
  • Responsive Design: CSS includes media queries to create responsive web designs that adapt to different screen sizes and devices.
  • Animations: CSS allows you to create animations and transitions to enhance the user experience.

Course Reference

The content and examples presented here are based on the high-quality tutorials and lessons from Elzero Web School.

About Elzero Web School

Elzero Web School is a premier online platform offering a wide range of web development tutorials and courses. With a focus on practical, hands-on learning, Elzero Web School helps students and professionals alike to enhance their skills and stay up-to-date with the latest web technologies.

Additional Resources

Course Progress

Course Study Plan

Videos Watched

  • Total Videos: [88 of 88] - Duration: 11 Hours, 28 Minutes, 51 Seconds

👉 Click Here To Watch Videos In YouTube
  1. Watched - Introduction And What I Need To Learn
  2. Watched - Your First Project And Syntax
  3. Watched - Element Styling
  4. Watched - Name Conventions And Rules
  5. Watched - Background - Color, Image, Repeat
  6. Watched - Background - Attachment, Position, Size
  7. Watched - Padding
  8. Watched - Margin
  9. Watched - Border
  10. Watched - Outline
  11. Watched - Display - Block, Inline Block, Inline
  12. Watched - Element Visibility And Use Cases
  13. Watched - Grouping Multiple Selectors
  14. Watched - Nesting
  15. Watched - Dimensions - Width And Height
  16. Watched - Overflow - Overflow-X And Overflow-Y
  17. Watched - Text - Color And Shadow
  18. Watched - Text - Alignment
  19. Watched - Text - Decoration And Transform
  20. Watched - Text - Spacing
  21. Watched - Text - Overflow And Use Cases
  22. Watched - Inheritance
  23. Watched - Typography - Font Family
  24. Watched - Typography - Font Size And CSS Units
  25. Watched - Typography - Font Style And Variant And Weight
  26. Watched - Mouse Cursor
  27. Watched - Float And Clear
  28. Watched - Mastering The CSS Calculation
  29. Watched - Opacity
  30. Watched - Position
  31. Watched - Z-Index
  32. Watched - Lists Styling
  33. Watched - Table Styling
  34. Watched - Pseudo Classes
  35. Watched - Pseudo Elements - First Letter, First Line, Selection
  36. Watched - Pseudo Elements - Before, After, Content
  37. Watched - Pseudo Elements - Content And Trainings
  38. Watched - Vendor Prefixes
  39. Watched - Border Radius
  40. Watched - Box Shadow And Examples
  41. Watched - The Box Model And Box Sizing
  42. Watched - Transition
  43. Watched - !Important Declaration And Use Cases
  44. Watched - The Margin Collapse
  45. Watched - CSS Variables And Trainings
  46. Watched - Flex Box Parent - Direction, Wrap, Flow
  47. Watched - Flex Box Parent - Justify Content
  48. Watched - Flex Box Parent - Align Items
  49. Watched - Flex Box Parent - Align Content
  50. Watched - Flex Box Child - Grow, Shrink, Order
  51. Watched - Flex Box Child - Flex Basis, Flex Shorthand
  52. Watched - Flex Box Child - Align Self, Games, Task
  53. Watched - Finish Flex Froggy Game
  54. Watched - Filters
  55. Watched - Gradients
  56. Watched - Pointer Events And Caret Color
  57. Watched - Grid - Parent - Template Columns
  58. Watched - Grid - Parent - Template Rows And Gap
  59. Watched - Grid - Parent - Justify Content And Align Content
  60. Watched - Grid - Parent - Complete Layout With Template Areas
  61. Watched - Grid - Child - Grid Column And Grid Row
  62. Watched - Grid - Child - Grid Area And Trainings
  63. Watched - Grid - Min, Max And Auto Fill
  64. Watched - Finish The Grid Garden Game
  65. Watched - 2D Transform - Scale
  66. Watched - 2D Transform - Rotate
  67. Watched - 2D Transform - Translate
  68. Watched - 2D Transform - Skew
  69. Watched - 2D Transform - Matrix
  70. Watched - Transform - Origin
  71. Watched - 3D Transform - Rotate
  72. Watched - 3D Transform - Translate, Perspective, Perspective Origin
  73. Watched - 3D Transform - Backface Visibility And Flip Product
  74. Watched - Animation - KeyFrames, Name, Duration
  75. Watched - Animation - Iteration Count, Timing Function, Spinner Loading
  76. Watched - Animation - Direction, Fill Mode, Play State, Delay
  77. Watched - Up And Down Loading Animation Training
  78. Watched - CSS Selectors Reference Part 1
  79. Watched - CSS Selectors Reference Part 2
  80. Watched - CSS Selectors Reference Part 3
  81. Watched - CSS Selectors Reference Part 4
  82. Watched - CSS Selectors Reference Part 5
  83. Watched - Media Queries And Responsive Designs Intro
  84. Watched - Media Queries And Responsive Designs Standards
  85. Watched - Media Queries And Responsive Designs Practice
  86. Watched - Create Your Framework
  87. Watched - CSS Global Values
  88. Watched - The End And How To Master HTML And CSS

Assignments Solved

  • Total Assignments: [76 of 76] - Topics: 20
    Check Out The Assignments Here 🤏.

👉 CSS Courses & Articles
  1. Learn CSS - MDN Web Docs
  2. CSS Tutorial - W3Schools
  3. Basic CSS - freeCodeCamp
  4. CSS-Tricks
  5. Learn CSS - Codecademy
  6. Learn CSS -
  7. Flexbox Froggy - A game for learning CSS flexbox
  8. Grid by Example - CSS Grid Layout
  9. CSS Reference
  10. Basic Concepts of Flexbox - MDN Web Docs
  11. Basic Concepts of Grid Layout - MDN Web Docs
  12. Complete Guide to CSS Functions

Status Assignments Solutions
                                   All Lessons
Solved Assignments From 01 To 04 Code
Assignments From 05 To 08 Code
Assignments From 09 To 12 Code
Assignments From 13 To 16 Code
Assignments From 17 To 21 Code
Assignments From 22 To 26 Code
Assignments From 27 To 29 Code
Assignments From 30 To 33 Code
Assignments From 34 To 37 Code
Assignments From 38 To 41 Code
Assignments From 42 To 45 Code
Assignments From 46 To 53 Code
Assignments From 54 To 56 Code
Assignments From 57 To 64 Code
Assignments From 65 To 67 Code
Assignments From 68 To 73 Code
Assignments From 74 To 77 Code
Assignments From 78 To 82 Code
Assignments From 83 To 85 Code
Assignments From 86 To 88 Code

Feel free to explore the repository, follow along with the course material, and practice with the provided assignments. Happy learning!


Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions, improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


You can reach me via Gmail or on Telegram.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.