- Enchantment can be removed from items.keep
- Enchantment stays on items.delete
- Enchantment is removed from item and destroyed.cancel
- Cancels the entire disenchantment process.
- Help page 1/disenchantment help [<1,...,8>]
- Help pages 1-8
/disenchantment gui
- Open GUI for disenchantment configuration./disenchantment status
- Show if the plugin is enabled or disabled./disenchantment toggle
- Toggle the plugin on/off.
/disenchantment disenchant:enchantments
- Show current list of enchantment settings for disenchantment./disenchantment disenchant:enchantments [enchantment] ['enable', 'keep', 'delete', 'cancel']
- Change configuration of disabled enchantments./disenchantment disenchant:worlds
- Show current list of disabled worlds for disenchantment./disenchantment disenchant:worlds [world]
- Toggle specific world to enable/disable disenchantment./disenchantment disenchant:materials
- Show current list of disabled materials for disenchantment./disenchantment disenchant:materials [material]
- Toggle specific material to enable/disable disenchantment.
/disenchantment disenchant:repair
- Show current configuration of repair cost for disenchantment./disenchantment disenchant:repair ['enable', 'disable']
- Enable/disable repair cost./disenchantment disenchant:repair reset ['enable', 'disable']
- Enable/disable the reset of repair cost to 0 after disenchantment./disenchantment disenchant:repair base [int]
- Change value of the base repair cost./disenchantment disenchant:repair multiply [float]
- Change value of the multiplication for repair cost.
/disenchantment disenchant:sound
- Show current configuration of anvil sound for disenchantment./disenchantment disenchant:sound ['enable', 'disable']
- Enable/disable anvil sound./disenchantment disenchant:sound volume [float]
- Change value of the anvil sound volume./disenchantment disenchant:sound pitch [float]
- Change value of the anvil sound pitch.
/disenchantment shatter:enchantments
- Show current list of enchantment settings for shatterment./disenchantment shatter:enchantments [enchantment] ['enable', 'keep', 'delete', 'cancel']
- Change configuration of disabled enchantments./disenchantment shatter:worlds
- Show current list of disabled worlds for shatterment./disenchantment shatter:worlds [world]
- Toggle specific world to enable/disable shatterment.
/disenchantment shatter:repair
- Show current configuration of repair cost for shatterment./disenchantment shatter:repair ['enable', 'disable']
- Enable/disable repair cost./disenchantment shatter:repair reset ['enable', 'disable']
- Enable/disable the reset of repair cost to 0 after shatterment./disenchantment shatter:repair base [int]
- Change value of the base repair cost./disenchantment shatter:repair multiply [float]
- Change value of the multiplication for repair cost.
/disenchantment shatter:sound
- Show current configuration of anvil sound for shatterment./disenchantment shatter:sound ['enable', 'disable']
- Enable/disable anvil sound./disenchantment shatter:sound volume [float]
- Change value of the anvil sound volume./disenchantment shatter:sound pitch [float]
- Change value of the anvil sound pitch.