- Initial noetic release
- Add launch_map_server argument in fetch_nav.launch (#147)
- Add use_map_topic arg in fetch_nav.launch (#145)
- Update bias/scale params (#141)
- Add topicname args to navigation launch (#136)
- Updates maintainers
- Contributors: Alex Moriarty, Koki Shinjo, Michael Ferguson, Russell Toris, Shingo Kitagawa
- sync cmake_minimum_required: 2.8.12
- Contributors: Alexander Moriarty
- [package.xml] REP-140 package format 2 (#104) closes #83
- [Docs] Add URL tags to package for wiki.ros.org (#90) The <url> tag is required to automatically fill in at least some info on the wiki pages. The extra tags will create links to our docs.
- Contributors: Alex Moriarty
- updates ownership
- Merge pull request #76 from 708yamaguchi/change-amcl-param Localized position of fetch often jumps
- change odom model type and params for amcl
- Contributors: Derek, Naoya Yamaguchi, Russell Toris
- remove run_depend on metapackage
- Contributors: Michael Ferguson
- Update to new maps
- Contributors: Aaron Blasdel
- Fix location of recovery behavior parameters in yaml configs
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Michael Ferguson
- Use fetch_maps package for maps
- Allow overriding of move base & amcl param files
- Contributors: Aaron Blasdel, Ian Danforth
- fetch_navigation depends fetch_depth_layer
- Contributors: Michael Ferguson
- Slam_karto node rename in launch
- Contributors: Aaron Blasdel
- display whole global plan
- Contributors: Michael Ferguson
- remap static_map service for keepout server
- Contributors: Michael Ferguson
- import navigation
- Contributors: Michael Ferguson