Should you seek to extend this resource or require clarification, please let us know through issues, pull requests or directly reaching out to our core contributors.
Issues should be raised in the project on GitHub. Maintainers will not be proactively monitoring other forums. Check if there is already an issue raised. Remember the issue may have been closed as not to be fixed.
Please structure your issue report to make it as easy as possible to reproduce and diagnose.
At a minimum provide information about the server version, fix packs and hot fixes applied.
An informative and well-structured issue report will increase the chances of a timely fix.
Feature requests can be raised in the project on GitHub. They should aim to be as generic as possible.
Pull requests are encouraged. The project team will help those new to open source. Pull requests should only include contributions for a single feature request. They may contain multiple bug fixes, if they are small and related.
Please update the AUTHORS file when sending your first pull request.