This project contains a Java utility to create a single page using a default template or by selecting an existing page template. The project gives example source code that shows how to use the Controller and Model SPI calls related to WCM, for which the API calls will be handled inside of a JSP JSR286 portlet that provides the graphical user interface.
It requires the parent page unique name under which the new page needs to be created. You may find the unique name under the Manage Pages portlets, e.g. shown here for parentPage. You need to provide the page name and friendly URL for your new page, and then there are two samples, explained here.
If you provide the Content UUID, it will create a page based on the default page template which has a Web Content Viewer portlet deployed. It will set this portlet with your content you provided. Follow these steps to try this.
Find out a valid content UUID in your environment.
a) In the Practitioner Studio navigate to Web Content > WebContent Composer > Web Content > Content > Articles > Sample Article
b) Copy the UUID value
Enter this in the Content uuid field and keep the Page Template Unique name empty. It may look like
Click the Click to generate a page button.
You should get the message Successfully created <Page name>, as shown:
Refresh the page and you notice your new page added under the parent page.
The other sample allows you to create a new page under an existing parent page, based on a page template.
Follow these steps to try this.
Find the Page Template Unique name you want to create your page from. You will find this under the Practitioner Studio - Administration - Manage Pages - Hidden Pages - Page Templates. Use the Unique name or identifier of the page template you want to use, e.g. wps.content.template.default for the Basic page template.
Enter this in the Page Template Unique name field. It may look like
Click the Click to generate a page button.
You should get the message Successfully created <Page name>, as shown:
Refresh the page and you notice your new page added under the parent page.
You may use your favorite IDE to build the applicaton. It has Maven setup to simplify building it. Use the Maven package option to generate the DX portlet WAR file, when using the Maven-Plugin in your IDE, here shown for Microsoft Visual Studio Code:
or by using the command line tool by entering the command: mvn package
from the main-directory.
You will find the war file in the target directory.
There are two options available to deploy this application. Using the dxclient tool or by manual deploy the application in the portal administration page.
You may want to use the DXClient to deploy this sample portlet. This repository already contain a ready-to-use DeployPortlet.xml file in the deploy folder that contain all xml required information for the DX-environment to deploy the portlet. Please use the following steps to deploy the portlet with the dx-client tool:
copy the war file from the target directory to the deploy folder.
execute the following command:
dxclient deploy-portlet -hostname <dx_hostname> -dxPort <dx_port> -dxProtocol https -dxConnectUsername <dx_connect_user> -dxConnectPassword <dx_connect_user_password> -dxUsername <dx_user> -dxPassword <dx_user_password> -warFile pageimport-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war -xmlFile DeployPortlet.xml
By using your own settings for:
- dx_hostname
- dx_port
- dx_dx_connect_user
- dx_connect_user_password
- dx_user
- dx_user_password
The following output indicate a successful installation:
<status element="all" result="ok"/>
You may want to deploy the sample portlet manually. For that, please login to the portal administration page (https://<DX_host>:<DX_port>/wps/myportal) as an adminsitrator. Then navigate to Practitioner Studio > Administration > Applications > Web Modules > Install. Select your generated portlet war file to install and click the Finish button. This installs your portlet as an application.
After installation the new web module pageimport-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war should be listed as following:
As soon as the portlet is deployed, you can add it either by creating a new page or by using an existing page. Switch your page into the Edit Mode, click Add page components and applications - Applications. Then search for Page import portlet and add this to your page.
Here an screenshot as an example, when the portlet will be added on a new sibbling page called Page Creation under Woodburn Studio:
To learn how to develop Java Portlets, you may use Help Center Portlet Development. For details on APIs used in the, refer to the following links: Controller SPI and Model SPI.