The GS has the ultimate responsibility to ensure that all relevant data products are archived. The MOC will maintain all Level-0 housekeeping and science telemetry for the life of the mission. The SOC/SDC will serve as the Science Archive during the HERMES mission, having responsibility for archiving all scientifically-relevant HERMES mission data, and will help plan and provide for subsequent archive phases prior to mission termination. Resources archived at the SOC/SDC will include:
- Science Data – raw instrument and scientifically-relevant spacecraft telemetry; calibration data; ephemerides; attitude and other ancillary data needed to support scientific use and interpretation of HERMES data; all levels of science data products (Level 1 and above).
- Metadata and Documentation describing data products, algorithms, instrument calibrations, validation, and data quality; also, telemetry definition information, descriptions of spacecraft and instrument design and operations, status reports, and other information needed for use of HERMES data.
- Software and analysis tools, including software used for generation of scientific data products and corresponding metadata, as well as tools used for accessing, visualizing, and interpreting HERMES science data.
All software and data shall be backed up with at least one on-site and one off-site copy of the data which should be accessible in a reasonable timeframe.
A Mission Archive Plan (MAP) will be drafted by the SOC prior to the first Senior Review that will guide the preparation of the final HERMES data archive. After the mission ends, HERMES data, analysis tools, and the expertise to use them will remain accessible through the Resident Archive. The Resident Archive may remain a SOC responsibility, thereby ensuring continuity of HERMES data access mechanisms and tools to the scientific community. At some point after mission termination, once maintaining the Resident Archive is no longer cost effective, the physical data will pass to a long-term NASA-approved archival facility.