The creators of this website ask OSC users and developers worldwide to contribute various kinds of content to the site (under the site's CC-BY license) and/or to help with tasks in the site's TO-DO list.
The easiest way to contribute something is to fill out one of these web forms:
- Implementation: hardware or software that sends and/or receives OSC and could be useful to other people.
- Publication: a journal article, conference paper, technical report, etc., describing research related to (implementing, using, teaching, extending...) OSC.
- Contribution, a generic
category (like the OSC-blob
type), e.g.,
- Best practice
- Project using OSC
- Address space / schema that other people may like to copy or know about
- Simple boilerplate template code that can be a starting point for OSC sending/receiving in various languages
- Suggested edit/correction/update to an existing page on the site.
- Another useful perspective on OSC.
- ...
You do not have the be the author of the publication or the creator of the implementation to add content to the site.
Site editors will manually review form submissions and approve all legitimate additions to the site. The result of approved submissions is a TSV file whose rows are the various submitted items and whose columns are the fields for that type of item; a script automatically generates site pages from the TSV files.
All site content (both the source data and the programs that create the web pages) lives in the site's git repository.
If you are comfortable using git then feel free to fork the repository and create a pull request for each proposed contribution to the site. (Don't forget to add yourself to contributors.txt so you'll appear in the site's list of contributors.)