In this work, we propose a novel dynamic landing solution utilizing an on-ground sensor suite, eliminating the need for airborne exteroceptive sensors and expensive computational units. All localization and control modules operate in a noninertial frame. The system begins with a relative state estimator that tracks the unmanned aerial vehicle’s (UAV) state via onboard light-emitting diode (LED) markers and an on-ground camera. The state is geometrically expressed on a manifold and estimated using an iterated extended Kalman filter (IEKF) algorithm. A motion planning module is then developed to guide the landing process, leveraging the differential flatness property to formulate it as a minimum jerk trajectory. Considering visibility and dynamic constraints, the problem is solved using quadratic programming (QP), with the final motion primitive represented through piecewise polynomials. A series of experiments validate the applicability of the proposed approach, achieving successful landings of an 18×18 cm quadrotor on a 43×43 cm platform, demonstrating performance comparable to conventional methods. In addition, comprehensive hardware and software details are provided for future reference within the research community.
Cite us!
title={Experimental Non-Robocentric Dynamic Landing of Quadrotor UAVs with On-Ground Sensor Suite},
author={Lo, Li-Yu and Li, Boyang and Wen, Chih-Yung and Chang, Ching-Wei},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement},
title={Landing a Quadrotor on a Ground Vehicle without Exteroceptive Airborne Sensors: A Non-Robocentric Framework and Implementation},
author={Lo, Li-Yu and Li, Boyang and Wen, Chih-Yung and Chang, Ching-Wei},
booktitle={2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)},
# we tested on system with ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04
# install Ubuntu 18.04 || 20.04
# install ROS
# install OpenCV (should come along with ROS)
This repo utilize some third-party libraries,
- OSQP to solve the convex optimization problem for trajectory generation.
- OSQP-Eigen for using OSQP with Eigen. Much much much convinient.
- DecompUtil to pass and visualize safety corridor.
Therefore, under your workspace folder
mkdir -p {name alan}_ws/src
cd {name alan}_ws && mkdir alan_third_party
# install third party
sudo apt install ros-noetic-sophus
(if neccessary)
cd /usr/include
sudo ln -sf eigen3/Eigen Eigen
cd alan_third_party
git clone --recursive && \
git clone && \
git clone && \
git clone
#for the above package, please do
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make -j8 && sudo make install
#then do compilation
cd ~/{name alan}_ws
# If you are using scount_ros, feel free to use our scount_ros package
mkdir -p {name scout}_ws/src
cd {name scout}_ws/src
git clone
For scout_ros, click here to know more. They have done a fantastic job on packaging their hardware platform.
The above packages salute the contribution of the following academic paper:
title={OSQP: An operator splitting solver for quadratic programs},
author={Stellato, Bartolomeo and Banjac, Goran and Goulart, Paul and Bemporad, Alberto and Boyd, Stephen},
journal={Mathematical Programming Computation},
title={Planning dynamically feasible trajectories for quadrotors using safe flight corridors in 3-d complex environments},
author={Liu, Sikang and Watterson, Michael and Mohta, Kartik and Sun, Ke and Bhattacharya, Subhrajit and Taylor, Camillo J and Kumar, Vijay},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},