- asd
- Scenes, Assets, Hierarchy, keyboard shortcuts
- Setting the camera for a 2D view
- Adding a gameobject with a component (sprite renderer)
- Setting up the scene with empty gameobjects as containers
- Creating sprites to design a level
- Adding physics with colliders and rigidbodies
- Setting gravity, mass and rotation of rigidbodies
- Adding physics materials (create > physicsmaterial 2D, drag to collider2D component)
- Adding enemies
- Drag and drop scripts
- Creating prefabs
- Adding the player character
- Jump through a platform in one direction
- Let the camera follow the player
- Using live variables to tweak the gameplay in play mode
- Using the sprite editor to slice sprites
- Adding sounds
- Sprite Shapes
- [] Adding tags to gameobjects, using sorting layers.
- Add a collision layer under layers in the top right. Set collision preferences under Project settings > physics 2D.
- [] Lost Crypt 2D Sample Project
- [] Switching between levels
- [] Adding scenes to the build. Build the game
- [] Particles
- Adding scripts
- Using public variables
- Using GetComponent with variables
- Movement using transform and translate. Using Time.deltaTime.
- Working with vectors
- Movement using velocity and addforce. Using Fixedupdate.
- Using arrays to instantiate random enemies
- Using Instantiate and Invokerepeating
- Using the new input system
- Responding to collisions
- Keeping score in a gamemanager (ew managers)
- Switching scenes while keeping the same gamemanager (ew managers)
- [] ScriptableObjects & JSONUtility
- [] Git & Collab stuff
- 2D Rigging
- [] Managers, Controllers, Systems (advanced, do later)
- Scripting learning resources
- gameprogrammingpatterns.com
- learn.unity.com
- jason weimann architecture
- [] Saving your game: PlayerPrefs (or JSONUtility)
- using Classes for data structures
- Events, Listeners
- ContextMenu for debug
- Attributes (range, requirecomponent, multiline)
- Find Components in hierarchy
- Mathf.Clamp
- Debug.Log(string, object), Debug.DrawLine/Ray
- []
- TryGetComponent
- Coroutines
- [] reference by script, not GameObject
- Use child objects for animation when possible! [Scale 1,1,1 plz]
- Spritesheet animation
- Trick to auto-create Animator Controller & Clips
- Squash & Stretch! - The Illusion of Life | 12 Basic Principles of Animation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiGY0qiy8fY
- Using curves in the Animation window
- Coding: Animation Events
- Coding: Controlling variables with Animation (import & custom)
- Coding: AnimationCurve
- Notes: AnimationClips use GO names and hierarchy!
- [] Reusable animation clips = using animation containers
- [] Repeating Animation rigging thing?
- (particles because I really really want to teach/play with particles plz)
- []
- [] Shaders in Unity, not blender!
- [] Materials are shared! Watch out!
- [] Code: SharedMaterial / Material (touch Renderer = instance made)
- [] Reusing Textures, using UV Maps
- [] Different kinds of shaders? (transparency)
- [] Blender: Assign materials to polygons
- [] Flash material - anim, or code?
- [] AI: State Machines, Visual Scripting, "Behave"
- [] Audio Systems: Audio Mixer, Snapshots, FMOD
- [] Explaining the AI example system
- [] TODO: Line Of Sight multiple raycasts
- TODO: Waypoints in Patrol (idle)
- [] TODO: Optimize (remove unnecessary imports)
- [] TODO: Put on repository with UnityPackage as release
- TODO: Action sequencer? (in state graph)
- []