This is a tiny CMS web application, originally developed for university labs and research groups but can be used as a generic content management system
- php_curl extension
- Pear (packages needed: DB, DB_DataObject)
- Apache, Rewrite Module
- set the RewriteBase in .htaccess file based on your project location relative to your root domain directory
- copy config.ini file at root directory of the project to config.ini and set desired values for various settings in it.
- create you database in mysql compliant to your settings in config.ini
- run database.sql queries (or import) to setup database tables and views
- run to create the db interface schema
- manipulate *.tpl files in /templates directory to change related designs for each content display format ro pages
- change classes/contents.php file to add a new content, based upon the references in the newly defined content you should add table definitions to database.sql file and also manually define your tables to your current database.
- you can support new languages for static strings by adding new language files to lang/ directory.