This room is aimed for beginner level hackers but anyone can try to hack this box. There are two main intended ways to root the box.
If you are unsure how to tackle this, I recommend checking out the Nmap Tutorials by Hack Hunt.
nmap -sV -Pn <IP>
Looks like we have three ports open: 21, 22, 80
Web server is running on port 80
. Found nothing on the website, but in the source code there is a comment about steganography.
Downloaded the image (URL: http:///brooklyn99.jpg) and tried
. Found nothing much, so moving on!
FTP Anonymous login is enabled, let's login. CMD - ftp <IP>
Username: anonymous
password: (just hit enter)
Found a file, note_to_jake.txt
. Download the file to see the content.
File can be downloaded using the
Content of the file:
From Amy,
Jake please change your password. It is too weak and holt will be mad if someone hacks into the nine nine
Seems like Jake's password is weak.
We have SSH port open, bruteforcing Jake's Password using Hydra
CMD - hydra -l jake -P rockyou.txt -t 4 -f
Wait for a while and you will get the password.
Try logging in with the password via ssh
. CMD - ssh jake@<IP>
Baam! We have the access. Oh jake, what have you done 😝
After looking around a bit, found user.txt
in holt's home directory. Location - home/holt
cd ..
cd holt
cat user.txt
This will give you the user flag! Oh jake, surely Captain Holt will be upset with you. 😟
There is one more file but didn't have access to read that file. Let's run sudo -l
command to know what kind of commands we can run as sudo.
Looks like we can run
with sudo.
Check GTFOBins, for exploit via less
It say's with this command we can read any file if executed as
So, we can directly run sudo less /root/root.txt
This command will give you the root flag.