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Haggets edited this page Sep 1, 2021 · 8 revisions

After selection of an armature in the plugin, every bone in the armature will be sorted out in a specific bone layer and bone group (Which includes being given a specific color depending on what purpose they serve).

There are 6 bone types, each with a distinctive color and collectively occupying 10 bone layers in total. The bone types are as follows:

Central Bones

  • Color: Green
  • Layer: 0

Symmetrical Bones

  • Purpose: For bones with pairs (Doesn't necessarily need for the other side to be present to be marked as one)

Separated into 4 slots:

Left Arm

  • Color: Red
  • Layer: 1

Right Arm

  • Color: Blue
  • Layer: 2

Left Leg

  • Color: Red
  • Layer: 3

Right Leg

  • Color: Blue
  • Layer: 4

Helper Bones

  • Purpose: For bones meant to be driven by another bone.
  • Color: Yellow
  • Layer: 5


Separated into 2 slots:

General Attachments

  • Color: Brown
  • Layer: 6

Weapon Attachments

  • Color: Pale Green
  • Layer: 7

Other Bones

  • Purpose: For bones that aren't meant for any kind of deformation and have other purposes instead.
  • Color: Black
  • Layer: 8

Custom Bones

  • Purpose: For bones that do not fit the prefix/naming scheme of the selected armature, according to the armature type.
  • Color: Purple
  • Layer: 9


Keep in mind the following. The sorting is based on bone names, meaning that if for example, your clavicle bone is not named under the standard scheme of that armature type, it will not be detected as a clavicle bone and will not be part of the symmetrical bone type, which may break stuff. This includes every other bone type.


Before bone sorting

Armature before bone sorting.

After bone sorting

Armature after bone sorting