- Alignment
- Building and linting
- Code completion
- Commenters
- Cycle
- Delimiter
- Fuzzy finders
- Grep tools
- Indent
- Misc
- Navigation
- Plugin managers
- Snippets
- Statusline
- Surround
- Taking notes
- Testing
- Text objects
- Tmux
- Undo history
- Version control
- Writing
Here's a list of commonly used colorschemes:
- acme-colors
- apprentice
- base16
- gotham
- gruvbox
- janah
- jellybeans
- lucius
- molokai
- nofrils
- oceanic-next
- paramount
- railscasts
- seoul256
- solarized (or solarized8 or flattened)
- tomorrow
- vividchalk
- yowish
- zenburn
Alternatively, generate your own colorscheme using themer or Colortemplate.
- asyncomplete.vim
- completor.vim
- deoplete.nvim
- neocomplete.vim
- nvim-completion-manager
- supertab
- vim-mucomplete
- VimCompletesMe
- YouCompleteMe
- Command-T (requires +ruby)
- ctrlp.vim
- denite.nvim (requires +python3)
- fzf (and fzf.vim)
- unite.vim
- vim-fz
- nerdtree
- tagbar
- vim-dirvish
- vim-easymotion
- vim-sneak
- vim-vinegar
- vimfiler.vim (depends on other plugins)
Also see fuzzy finders.
- neosnippet.vim (depends on other plugins)
- ultisnips
- vim-snipmate (depends on other plugins)
- xptemplate
- agit.vim
- committia.vim
- gist-vim
- github-issues.vim
- gitv
- gv.vim
- nerdtree-git-plugin
- vim-auto-programming
- vim-fugitive
- vim-gitgutter
- vim-github-dashboard
- vim-lawrencium
- vim-signify
- vimagit
- calendar.vim
- CoVim
- FastFold
- goyo.vim
- is.vim
- NrrwRgn
- sideways.vim
- splitjoin.vim
- unicode.vim
- vim-abolish
- vim-bracketed-paste
- vim-devicons
- vim-diff-enhanced
- vim-diminactive
- vim-fixkey
- vim-gnupg
- vim-gutentags
- vim-hackernews
- vim-move
- vim-multiple-cursors
- vim-projectionist
- vim-qf
- vim-rsi
- vim-sleuth
- vim-startify
- vim-unimpaired
- paredit
- rainbow_parentheses.vim
- vim-clojure-highlight
- vim-fireplace
- vim-salve
- vim-sexp-mappings-for-regular-people
- vim-sexp