Challenge: Create a country quiz app using an API. Use Front-end libraries like React or Vue. Don’t look at the existing solution. Fulfill user stories below:
- User story: I can see at least 2 types of questions: a city is the capital of.. or a flag belong to country..
- User story: I can see select an answer
- User story: I can see if my answer is correct or incorrect
- User story: When I answer correctly, I can move on to the next question
- User story: When I answer incorrectly, I can see my results and try again
- User story: I can try again
- React
- TypeScript
- Vite
- Sass
- clsx
- zod
- zustand
- @hrc/button
- @hrc/material-icons
- @hrc/spinner
- @hrc/toggle-theme
- fontsource
- @material-design-icons/font
- REST Countries API
- Custom loading spinner
- Custom messages for show results
- Show counter of questions
- Added 1 question category
- Create a quiz app using an API.
- Create a utility for generate questions by different categories.
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git, Node.js and pnpm installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
git clone
# install all workspace dependencies
cd dev-challenges && pnpm install
# Run country-quiz in dev-mode
cd apps/country-quiz
pnpm run dev --open