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Input Component

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Deploy challenges



Challenge: Create a reusable input with all the states in the design and a page displaying all the states. You can work on the same project with other design system challenges. Use Front-end libraries like React or Vue. Don't look at the existing solution. Fulfill user stories below:

  • User story: I can see error state
  • User story: I can choose to disable input
  • User story: I can choose to have helper text
  • User story: I can choose to have an icon on the left or right (Use Google Icon and at least 5 variants)
  • User story: I can have different input sizes
  • User story: I can have different colors
  • User story: I can choose to have input take the width of the parent
  • User story: I can have multiline input like a textarea
  • User story: When I hover or focus, I can see visual indicators
  • User story: I can still access all input attributes
  • User story (optional): Show input in a similar way like the design or use Storybook. Otherwise, showing the input in multiple states is enough

Built With

What I learned

In this challenge I learned:

  • Create a reusable and extensible input component
  • Use Typescript discriminated unions for more restrictive types

How To Use

To clone and run this application, you'll need Git, Node.js and pnpm installed on your computer. From your command line:

# Clone this repository
git clone

# install all workspace dependencies
cd dev-challenges && pnpm install

# Run input-component in dev-mode
cd apps/input-component
pnpm run dev --open