- Add support for FDC3 service
- Add support for the new notification service
- DesktopStateListener.onError is called for exceptions from websocket
- Fixed an issue with dependencies
- Added Channel API
- Launch pre-installed RVM directly to improve performance
- Better naming of local app manifest file
- Requires JDK1.8+
- Fixed an issue with synchronization in InterApplicationBus.send
- Fixed an issue with setting timeout if RuntimeConfiguration.setRuntimePort is called.
- Improved thread safety with concurrent collection classes.
- Added error message to DesktopStateListener.onClose (breaking change)
- Added OpenFinRuntime.getRuntimeInfo
- Added OpenFinRuntime.getRvmInfo
- Improved thread safety with concurrent collection classes.
- Fixed an issue with passing arguments in System.launchExternalProcess
- Added Application.registerUser.
- Upgrade JNA library to 4.5.1.
- Port discovery support on Mac and Linux with openfin-cli.
- Add support for legacy connecting to Runtime by hard-coded port number
- Fixed an issue with deprecated DesktopConnect.connect method.
- Fixed an issue with sending connection info to Runtime.
- Requires JDK1.7+
- Add browser-style navigation to Window class
- Add support for fallbackVersion of Runtime
- Add support for non-persistent connections to Runtime
- Improve support for app assets
- Fixed an issue with loop of re-connecting to Runtime
- Fixed an issue with Window.close defaulting 'force' to true
- Support for launching Runtime from a remote manifest.
- Added Window.executeJavaScript
- Added Window.showDeveloperTools
- Added Window.navigate
- Added Application.wrapWindow
- Added OpenFinRuntime.getHostSpecs
- Support for port discovery of Runtime process at different integrity levels
- Use ProcessBuilder to launch OpenFin to solve an issue with security on Citrix server.
- Added proper clean-up for ExternalWindowObserver
- Fixed an issue with retrying connection to Runtime
- added ApplicationOptions.put method.
- Fixed an issue with websocket timeout
- Requires Version 6.0+ version of OpenFin Runtime.
- Improved support for window embedding
- Replaced WebSocket library with org.eclipse.jetty.websocket
- Fixed an issue with connection timeout at 5 seconds
- Add support for fallbackVersion of Runtime
- Branch from Version to support Java 1.6
- Fixed an issue with loop of re-connecting to Runtime
- Fixed an issue with Window.close defaulting 'force' to true
- Fixed an issue with retrying connection to Runtime
- Support for port discovery of Runtime process at different integrity levels
- Users ProcessBuilder to launch OpenFinLauncher.
- Added RuntimeConfiguration class to improve configurability of Runtime from Java programs.
- Added DesktopConnection.connect(RuntimeConfiguration)
- Added DesktopStateListener.onClose to notify connection to Runtime is closed.
- Added Application.getGroups
- Fixed API doc for WindowOptions.setTaskbarIcon
- Updated OpenFinInstaller.exe to handle client certificate
- Fixed an issue with duplicate UUIDs for DesktopConnection in version of Runtime
- Support for port discovery of Runtime process at different integrity levels
- Added setRdmUrl and setRuntimeAssetesUrl in DesktopConnect
- Use proper names for threads created by DesktopConnection during launching Runtime
- Cross-app docking: Windows from different HTML5 applications now can join the same group and dock to each other. Runtime is required.
- DesktopConnection catches exceptions from onSuccess and onError in AckListener
- Application.close(AckListener) is deprecated
- fixed an issue in getGroup
- Implemented timeout logout logic for DesktopConnection.connectToVersion
- Added support for app-connected event for Window class
- Added Application.createChildWindow method
- Replaced java logging with slf4j.
- Fixed an issue with reconnect with port discovery.
- Fixed an issue with Window.addEventListener
- InterApplicationBus.send/publish accepts AckListener callback.
- Added support for security realm in DesktopConnection