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725 lines (620 loc) · 22.6 KB

File metadata and controls

725 lines (620 loc) · 22.6 KB

🚦 Trouble

A pretty list for showing diagnostics, references, telescope results, quickfix and location lists to help you solve all the trouble your code is causing.


✨ Features

  • Diagnostics
  • LSP references
  • LSP implementations
  • LSP definitions
  • LSP type definitions
  • LSP Document Symbols
  • LSP Incoming/Outgoing calls
  • quickfix list
  • location list
  • Telescope search results
  • fzf-lua results

📰 What's new?

This is a full rewrite of the original trouble.nvim.

The new version is much more flexible and powerful, with a lot of new features and improvements:

  • multiple trouble windows at the same time
  • LSP document symbols
  • LSP incoming/outgoing calls
  • lots of options to configure trouble windows (floats or splits)
  • focus option to focus the trouble window when opened (or not)
  • follow option to follow the item under the cursor
  • pinned option to pin the buffer as the source for the opened trouble window
  • full tree views of anything
  • highly configurable views with custom formatters, filters, and sorters
  • show multiple sections in the same view
  • multi-line messages
  • prettier and configurable indent guides
  • tree view that follows the natural hierarchy of the items (like document symbols, or file structure)
  • expansive API and Trouble command
  • trouble modes to define custom views
  • statusline component (useful with document symbols)

⚡️ Requirements

  • Neovim >= 0.9.2
  • Neovim >= 0.10.0 OR the markdown and markdown_inline nvim-treesitter parsers
  • Properly configured Neovim LSP client
  • nvim-web-devicons is optional to enable file icons
  • a theme with properly configured highlight groups for Neovim Diagnostics
  • a patched font for the default severity and fold icons

📦 Installation

Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:

  opts = {}, -- for default options, refer to the configuration section for custom setup.
  cmd = "Trouble",
  keys = {
      "<cmd>Trouble diagnostics toggle<cr>",
      desc = "Diagnostics (Trouble)",
      "<cmd>Trouble diagnostics toggle filter.buf=0<cr>",
      desc = "Buffer Diagnostics (Trouble)",
      "<cmd>Trouble symbols toggle focus=false<cr>",
      desc = "Symbols (Trouble)",
      "<cmd>Trouble lsp toggle focus=false win.position=right<cr>",
      desc = "LSP Definitions / references / ... (Trouble)",
      "<cmd>Trouble loclist toggle<cr>",
      desc = "Location List (Trouble)",
      "<cmd>Trouble qflist toggle<cr>",
      desc = "Quickfix List (Trouble)",

⚙️ Configuration


Trouble is highly configurable. Please refer to the default settings below.

Default Settings
---@class trouble.Mode: trouble.Config,trouble.Section.spec
---@field desc? string
---@field sections? string[]

---@class trouble.Config
---@field mode? string
---@field config? fun(opts:trouble.Config)
---@field formatters? table<string,trouble.Formatter> custom formatters
---@field filters? table<string, trouble.FilterFn> custom filters
---@field sorters? table<string, trouble.SorterFn> custom sorters
local defaults = {
  auto_close = false, -- auto close when there are no items
  auto_open = false, -- auto open when there are items
  auto_preview = true, -- automatically open preview when on an item
  auto_refresh = true, -- auto refresh when open
  auto_jump = false, -- auto jump to the item when there's only one
  focus = false, -- Focus the window when opened
  restore = true, -- restores the last location in the list when opening
  follow = true, -- Follow the current item
  indent_guides = true, -- show indent guides
  max_items = 200, -- limit number of items that can be displayed per section
  multiline = true, -- render multi-line messages
  pinned = false, -- When pinned, the opened trouble window will be bound to the current buffer
  warn_no_results = true, -- show a warning when there are no results
  open_no_results = false, -- open the trouble window when there are no results
  ---@type trouble.Window.opts
  win = {}, -- window options for the results window. Can be a split or a floating window.
  -- Window options for the preview window. Can be a split, floating window,
  -- or `main` to show the preview in the main editor window.
  ---@type trouble.Window.opts
  preview = {
    type = "main",
    -- when a buffer is not yet loaded, the preview window will be created
    -- in a scratch buffer with only syntax highlighting enabled.
    -- Set to false, if you want the preview to always be a real loaded buffer.
    scratch = true,
  -- Throttle/Debounce settings. Should usually not be changed.
  ---@type table<string, number|{ms:number, debounce?:boolean}>
  throttle = {
    refresh = 20, -- fetches new data when needed
    update = 10, -- updates the window
    render = 10, -- renders the window
    follow = 100, -- follows the current item
    preview = { ms = 100, debounce = true }, -- shows the preview for the current item
  -- Key mappings can be set to the name of a builtin action,
  -- or you can define your own custom action.
  ---@type table<string, trouble.Action.spec>
  keys = {
    ["?"] = "help",
    r = "refresh",
    R = "toggle_refresh",
    q = "close",
    o = "jump_close",
    ["<esc>"] = "cancel",
    ["<cr>"] = "jump",
    ["<2-leftmouse>"] = "jump",
    ["<c-s>"] = "jump_split",
    ["<c-v>"] = "jump_vsplit",
    -- go down to next item (accepts count)
    -- j = "next",
    ["}"] = "next",
    ["]]"] = "next",
    -- go up to prev item (accepts count)
    -- k = "prev",
    ["{"] = "prev",
    ["[["] = "prev",
    dd = "delete",
    d = { action = "delete", mode = "v" },
    i = "inspect",
    p = "preview",
    P = "toggle_preview",
    zo = "fold_open",
    zO = "fold_open_recursive",
    zc = "fold_close",
    zC = "fold_close_recursive",
    za = "fold_toggle",
    zA = "fold_toggle_recursive",
    zm = "fold_more",
    zM = "fold_close_all",
    zr = "fold_reduce",
    zR = "fold_open_all",
    zx = "fold_update",
    zX = "fold_update_all",
    zn = "fold_disable",
    zN = "fold_enable",
    zi = "fold_toggle_enable",
    gb = { -- example of a custom action that toggles the active view filter
      action = function(view)
        view:filter({ buf = 0 }, { toggle = true })
      desc = "Toggle Current Buffer Filter",
    s = { -- example of a custom action that toggles the severity
      action = function(view)
        local f = view:get_filter("severity")
        local severity = ((f and f.filter.severity or 0) + 1) % 5
        view:filter({ severity = severity }, {
          id = "severity",
          template = "{hl:Title}Filter:{hl} {severity}",
          del = severity == 0,
      desc = "Toggle Severity Filter",
  ---@type table<string, trouble.Mode>
  modes = {
    -- sources define their own modes, which you can use directly,
    -- or override like in the example below
    lsp_references = {
      -- some modes are configurable, see the source code for more details
      params = {
        include_declaration = true,
    -- The LSP base mode for:
    -- * lsp_definitions, lsp_references, lsp_implementations
    -- * lsp_type_definitions, lsp_declarations, lsp_command
    lsp_base = {
      params = {
        -- don't include the current location in the results
        include_current = false,
    -- more advanced example that extends the lsp_document_symbols
    symbols = {
      desc = "document symbols",
      mode = "lsp_document_symbols",
      focus = false,
      win = { position = "right" },
      filter = {
        -- remove Package since luals uses it for control flow structures
        ["not"] = { ft = "lua", kind = "Package" },
        any = {
          -- all symbol kinds for help / markdown files
          ft = { "help", "markdown" },
          -- default set of symbol kinds
          kind = {
  -- stylua: ignore
  icons = {
    ---@type trouble.Indent.symbols
    indent = {
      top           = "",
      middle        = "├╴",
      last          = "└╴",
      -- last          = "-╴",
      -- last       = "╰╴", -- rounded
      fold_open     = "",
      fold_closed   = "",
      ws            = "  ",
    folder_closed   = "",
    folder_open     = "",
    kinds = {
      Array         = "",
      Boolean       = "󰨙 ",
      Class         = "",
      Constant      = "󰏿 ",
      Constructor   = "",
      Enum          = "",
      EnumMember    = "",
      Event         = "",
      Field         = "",
      File          = "",
      Function      = "󰊕 ",
      Interface     = "",
      Key           = "",
      Method        = "󰊕 ",
      Module        = "",
      Namespace     = "󰦮 ",
      Null          = "",
      Number        = "󰎠 ",
      Object        = "",
      Operator      = "",
      Package       = "",
      Property      = "",
      String        = "",
      Struct        = "󰆼 ",
      TypeParameter = "",
      Variable      = "󰀫 ",

Make sure to check the Examples!

🚀 Usage


The Trouble command is a wrapper around the Trouble API. It can do anything the regular API can do.

  • Trouble [mode] [action] [options]

Some examples:

  • Toggle diagnostics for the current buffer and stay in the current window:
    • Trouble diagnostics toggle focus=false filter.buf=0
  • Show document symbols on the right of the current window. Keep the document symbols in sync with the buffer you started the command in.
    • Trouble symbols toggle pinned=true
  • You can use lua code in the options for the Trouble command. The examples below all do the same thing.
    • Trouble diagnostics filter.severity=vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR
    • Trouble diagnostics filter.severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR
    • Trouble diagnostics filter = { severity=vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR }
  • Merging of nested options, with or without quoting strings:
    • Trouble diagnostics = split
    • Trouble diagnostics = { type = split, position=right}
    • Trouble diagnostics = { type = "split", position='right'}

Please refer to the API section for more information on the available actions and options.


  • diagnostics: diagnostics
  • fzf: FzfLua results previously opened with require('trouble.sources.fzf').open().
  • fzf_files: FzfLua results previously opened with require('trouble.sources.fzf').open().
  • loclist: Location List
  • lsp: LSP definitions, references, implementations, type definitions, and declarations
  • lsp_command: command
  • lsp_declarations: declarations
  • lsp_definitions: definitions
  • lsp_document_symbols: document symbols
  • lsp_implementations: implementations
  • lsp_incoming_calls: Incoming Calls
  • lsp_outgoing_calls: Outgoing Calls
  • lsp_references: references
  • lsp_type_definitions: type definitions
  • qflist: Quickfix List
  • quickfix: Quickfix List
  • symbols: document symbols
  • telescope: Telescope results previously opened with require('trouble.sources.telescope').open().
  • telescope_files: Telescope results previously opened with require('trouble.sources.telescope').open().


Please refer to the filter docs for more information examples on filters.


You can use the following functions in your keybindings:

-- Opens trouble with the given mode.
-- If a view is already open with the same mode,
-- it will be focused unless `opts.focus = false`.
-- When a view is already open and ` = true`,
-- a new view will be created.
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new?: boolean, refresh?: boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View?

-- Closes the last open view matching the filter.
---@param opts? trouble.Mode|string
---@return trouble.View?

-- Toggle the view with the given mode.
---@param opts? trouble.Mode|string
---@return trouble.View?

-- Returns true if there is an open view matching the mode.
---@param opts? trouble.Mode|string

-- Refresh all open views. Normally this is done automatically,
-- unless you disabled auto refresh.
---@param opts? trouble.Mode|string

-- Get all items from the active view for a given mode.
---@param opts? trouble.Mode|string

-- Renders a trouble list as a statusline component.
-- Check the docs for examples.
---@param opts? trouble.Mode|string|{hl_group?:string}
---@return {get: (fun():string), has: (fun():boolean)}

-- Closes the preview and goes to the main window.
-- The Trouble window is not closed.
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- Open the preview
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- filter
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- Go to the first item
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- Focus the trouble window
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- Fold close 
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- fold close all
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- Fold close recursive
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- fold disable
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- fold enable
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- fold more
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- Fold open 
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- fold open all
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- Fold open recursive
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- fold reduce
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- Fold toggle 
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- fold toggle enable
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- Fold toggle recursive
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- fold update
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- fold update all
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- Show the help
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- Dump the item to the console
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- Jump to the item if on an item, otherwise fold the node
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- Jump to the item and close the trouble window
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- Jump to the item if on an item, otherwise do nothing
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- Open the item in a split
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- Open the item in a vsplit
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- Go to the last item
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- Go to the next item
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- Go to the previous item
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- Open the preview
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- Refresh the trouble source
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- Toggle the preview
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View

-- Toggle the auto refresh
---@param opts? trouble.Mode | { new? : boolean } | string
---@return trouble.View


You can easily open any search results in Trouble, by defining a custom action:

local actions = require("telescope.actions")
local open_with_trouble = require("trouble.sources.telescope").open

-- Use this to add more results without clearing the trouble list
local add_to_trouble = require("trouble.sources.telescope").add

local telescope = require("telescope")

  defaults = {
    mappings = {
      i = { ["<c-t>"] = open_with_trouble },
      n = { ["<c-t>"] = open_with_trouble },

When you open telescope, you can now hit <c-t> to open the results in Trouble


You can easily open any search results in Trouble, by defining a custom action:

local config = require("fzf-lua.config")
local actions = require("trouble.sources.fzf").actions
config.defaults.actions.files["ctrl-t"] =

When you open fzf-lua, you can now hit <c-t> to open the results in Trouble

Statusline Component

Example for lualine.nvim:

  opts = function(_, opts)
    local trouble = require("trouble")
    local symbols = trouble.statusline({
      mode = "lsp_document_symbols",
      groups = {},
      title = false,
      filter = { range = true },
      format = "{kind_icon}{}",
      -- The following line is needed to fix the background color
      -- Set it to the lualine section you want to use
      hl_group = "lualine_c_normal",
    table.insert(opts.sections.lualine_c, {
      cond = symbols.has,

🎨 Colors

The table below shows all the highlight groups defined for Trouble.

Highlight Groups
Highlight Group Default Group Description
TroubleBasename TroubleFilename
TroubleCode Special
TroubleCount TabLineSel
TroubleDirectory Directory
TroubleFilename Directory
TroubleIconArray @punctuation.bracket
TroubleIconBoolean @boolean
TroubleIconClass @type
TroubleIconConstant @constant
TroubleIconConstructor @constructor
TroubleIconDirectory Special
TroubleIconEnum @lsp.type.enum
TroubleIconEnumMember @lsp.type.enumMember
TroubleIconEvent Special
TroubleIconField @variable.member
TroubleIconFile Normal
TroubleIconFunction @function
TroubleIconInterface @lsp.type.interface
TroubleIconKey @lsp.type.keyword
TroubleIconMethod @function.method
TroubleIconModule @module
TroubleIconNamespace @module
TroubleIconNull @constant.builtin
TroubleIconNumber @number
TroubleIconObject @constant
TroubleIconOperator @operator
TroubleIconPackage @module
TroubleIconProperty @property
TroubleIconString @string
TroubleIconStruct @lsp.type.struct
TroubleIconTypeParameter @lsp.type.typeParameter
TroubleIconVariable @variable
TroubleIndent LineNr
TroubleIndentFoldClosed CursorLineNr
TroubleIndentFoldOpen TroubleIndent
TroubleIndentLast TroubleIndent
TroubleIndentMiddle TroubleIndent
TroubleIndentTop TroubleIndent
TroubleIndentWs TroubleIndent
TroubleNormal NormalFloat
TroubleNormalNC NormalFloat
TroublePos LineNr
TroublePreview Visual
TroubleSource Comment
TroubleText Normal