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33 lines (28 loc) · 2.31 KB

File metadata and controls

33 lines (28 loc) · 2.31 KB

Contributing to Hermit-Tools/Thumbnail-Maker

👍🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉👍

The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to Thumbnail-Maker. These are mostly guidelines, not rules. Use your best judgment, and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request.

Submitting a change

  • Please commit all the changes in the beta version of the tool only. Beta version of anything is located under Source/ with the same rest of the location. Commiting to the direct next release is more beneficial than commiting to a far release.
  • Please send a GitHub Pull Request with a clear list of what you've done. Please make sure all of your commits are atomic (one feature per commit).
  • We don't and do not plan to use ANY external framework. So submit your code in plain JavaScript only.
  • Always write a clear log message for your commits. One-line messages are fine for small changes, but bigger changes should look like this:
$ git commit -m "A brief summary of the commit
> A paragraph describing what changed and its impact."
  • We would love if you add emojis to your commit messages. Emojis can make commit messages very much friendly. The following is a table of emojis you can add with your commit messages. Feel free to add more rows to the table.
Commit is about Emoji to represent Example
Added something new 🆕 🆕Added download button
Fixed/corrected something 🔧 🔧Fixed #9
Changed something ✏Changed background color from red to blue
Updated something 🔼 🔼Updated downloadImage()
Minor changes 🦠 🦠Minor changes List the changes in description
Created a new file ➕Created file service-worker.js

Coding conventions

Start reading our code and you'll get the hang of it. We optimize for readability:

  • We indent using four spaces
  • We ALWAYS put spaces after list items and method parameters ([1, 2, 3], not [1,2,3]), around operators (x += 1, not x+=1), and around hash arrows.
  • This is open source software. Consider the people who will read your code, and make it look nice for them. It's sort of like driving a car: Perhaps you love doing donuts when you're alone, but with passengers the goal is to make the ride as smooth as possible.
  • We do not use any external JavaScript framework.