Name | Type | Description | Notes |
allow_wrtback_single_node | float, none_type | Allow writeback single node setting in days | [optional] |
enable_aiqo_s | str, none_type | Enable or disable AI QoS feature, allowed values are:yes or no | [optional] |
host_dif | str, none_type | Host Data Integrity Field, allowed values are:yes or no | [optional] |
host_dif_template | str | HostDIF Template | [optional] |
overprov_ratio_limit | float, none_type | Over provisioning ratio limit setting | [optional] |
overprov_ratio_warning | float, none_type | Over provisioning ratio warning setting | [optional] |
any string name | bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type | any string name can be used but the value must be the correct type | [optional] |