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GUI Configuration

lucian929 edited this page Jan 12, 2022 · 15 revisions


title: "<#3066BE>Cosmetics Menu" # GUI Title
rows: 3 # Rows in the GUI 
  10: # GUI Slot number
    name: "<rainbow>Colorful Hat</rainbow>"
    lore: # Lore displayed when the player owns the item
      - ""
      - "<gray>Enabled: <#6D9DC5>%enabled%"
      - "<gray>Allowed: <#6D9DC5>%allowed%"
    locked-lore: # Lore displayed when the player does not have the correct permission.
      - "<red>You do not own this item!"
    amount: 1
    model-data: 1 # CustomModelData Number
    type: HAT
    dyeable: true # Enables dyeable item feature
    color: # Sets default color for item. Uses RGB format.
      red: 5
      green: 230
      blue: 100
    open-menu: dye-menu # Automatically open the dye menu when applying this cosmetic
    permission: "cosmetics.colorful_hat" # Can be anything you want.
    id: colorful_hat # Internal identifier. Can be anything you want.
    name: "<blue>Backpack"
      - ""
      - "<gray>Enabled: <#6D9DC5>%enabled%"
      - "<gray>Allowed: <#6D9DC5>%allowed%"
      - "<red>You do not own this item!"
    amount: 1
    model-data: 1
    type: BACKPACK
    permission: ""
    id: leather_backpack

Multiple Pages

By default, HMCCosmetics includes one cosmetic GUI, and one extra GUI (dye-menu.yml). However, you can create as many GUIs as you need.

To do this, just create a second GUI in the menus folder, and copy the contents from main.yml to that file.

You can create a button to open the next page with the open-menu: <menu_name> option.

    material: PAPER
    name: "<#F7DCFA>Next Page"
    amount: 1
    model-data: 1
    open-menu: menu-2
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