This HowTo shows how to add and utilize ser2net on the PFC200.
After installation on the PFC you will be able to access the onboard serial-port
via telnet.
This HowTo is based on a clean installation of Ubuntu LTS, with an installed
and working WAGO Board-Support Package for PFC200.
Working means that you successfully built the standard image “sd.hdimg”.
>cp -v ptxproj/rules/* ~/<ptxproj>/rules/
>cp -v ptxproj/src/* ~/<ptxproj>/src/
>cd ~/<ptxproj>/
>ptxdist menuconfig
Networking Tools ---> [Enter]
[*] ser2net (Select ser2net with [Space])
[Exit], [Exit], and save configuration [Yes]
>cd ~/<ptxproj>/
>ptxdist clean ser2net gensio libyaml
>cd ~/<ptxproj>/
ptxdist targetinstall ser2net
If you see the "finished target" at the end of the run,it is time for a :)
You will find three needed IPKG package files:
- ~//platform-wago-pfcXXX/packages/ser2net_4.0_armhf.ipk
- ~//platform-wago-pfcXXX/packages/gensio_1.1_armhf.ipk
- ~//platform-wago-pfcXXX/packages/libyaml_0.2.2_armhf.ipk
You can build a complete image if you like. If you like follow these commands:
>cd ~/<ptxproj>/
>ptxdist images
As usual, you can:
- copy image file "sd.hdimg" with command "dd" to SD-Card and boot PFC200 from it.
- transfer packages into PFC200 file system and call "opkg install .ipk
- utilize Web-Based-Management(WBM) feature "Software-Upload"
>cd ~/<ptxproj>/platform-wago-pfcXXX/packages/
>scp ser2net_4.0_armhf.ipk gensio_1.1_armhf.ipk libyaml_0.2.2_armhf.ipk root@<IP-PFC>:/root
Open a terminal session (ssh or serial). Login as "root" with password "wago" (default) Install the package in the following order:
>cd /root
>opkg install libyaml_0.2.2_armhf.ipk
>opkg install gensio_1.1_armhf.ipk
>opkg install ser2net_4.0_armhf.ipk
>ssh root@<IP-PFC>
>/usr/sbin/ owner=None
On development pc:
>scp -r <ser2net-dir>/pfc/etc/* root@<PFC-IP>:/etc
After the next reboot ser2net will be started automatically. Please do not reboot before you've successfully tested the connection.
Login via ssh to pfc
>ssh root@<IP-PFC>
on PFC start ser2net from commandline
>ser2net -p 3000 -d
This will start the ser2net application with an additional monitor/control session via telnet (port 3000) it will also send any errors to stdout.
Connect the PFC-serial-port to your development pc. For example we will use /dev/ttyS0 as default port. Also make sure that PC and PFC are connected to the same network.
+------+ serial +-------------------+
| PFC |XXXXXXXX| PC /dev/ttyS0 |
+------+ +-------------------+
X +--------+ X
Ethernet +--------+ Ethernet
Now to the funny part! Open your favorite serial-terminal program on your development pc. And connect it to your serial-port. For example we will use minicom.
>minicom -D /dev/ttyS0 -b 115200
Also open a telnet session (port 2000), on a separate terminal window, to your PFC:
>telnet <PFC-IP> 2000
After successfully creating both connection you are now able to test the communication in both directions. Just simply go to the minicom window and type anything you like. You should now receive on the telnet session the characters. You also could use the telnet session to type in some characters and should receive this on the minicom session. If so...everything works perfect and you are now able to connect any serial device to the pfc and communicate to it over a ethernet connection.
To start ser2net on start-up apply following steps.
- Copy the start-up script to PFC via ssh. (If not allready done)
>scp <ser2net-dir>/pfc/etc/init.d/* root@<PFC-IP>:/etc/init.d/
- Create symbolic link in /etc/rc.d/ for start-up ser2net on power-on.
>ssh root@<PFC-IP>
You need to enter the root password
Now on PFC side, create the sym-link
>ln -s /etc/init.d/ser2net /etc/rc.d/S90_ser2net
- Make /etc/init.d/ser2net executable
>chmod a+x /etc/init.d/ser2net
- Reboot PFC to test the autostart
This is the example configuration for this howto. It will setup a connection over telnet on port 2000 and claims /dev/serial, which is the onboard serial port. Also it will set the serial connection to the baudrate of 115200 and the dataformat to 8N1. Please refer to the manual ser2net.yaml.5 included in the sources if you need further information.
%YAML 1.1
# This is a ser2net configuration file, showing examples of all
# sorts of things. It's all commented out so it's safe to put
# in /etc/ser2net/ser2net.yaml.
# This is described in ser2net.yaml(5)
# YAML gives an error on empty files, just add something so the
# error doesn't happen.
define: &confver 1.0
# # Set all baud rates to 115200n81 by default.
name: speed
value: 115200n81
connection: &test
accepter: telnet(rfc2217),tcp,2000
connector: serialdev,/dev/serial,local
If you need a virtual com port driver for your operating system and/or application. You can find some very useful information on this website:
Software wise it is fully compatible to all. The list only shows devices which offers a onboard serial port
PFC | Compatible |
PFC 100 | |
750-8100 | N |
750-8101 | N |
750-8102 | Y |
PFC 200 | |
750-8202 | Y |
750-8203 | N |
750-8204 | Y |
750-8206 | Y |
750-8207 | Y |
750-8208 | Y |
PFC 200 G2 | |
750-8212 | Y |
750-8213 | N |
750-8214 | Y |
750-8216 | Y |