No labels!
There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
Haskell use is a significant feature of the PR or issue
Task(s) needing PRs from the community or maintainers
certificate issue with homepage
ICU use is a significant feature of the PR or issue
Stale bot should stay away
The build fails because of a file called `version` in the include path.
Not eligible for e.g. Hacktoberfest
Java use is a significant feature of the PR or issue
[DEPRECATED] Pull request requires a large runner to upload bottles
Relates to a versioned @ formula
Migration of linuxbrew-core to homebrew-core
Linux is specifically affected
Issues or PRs related to livecheck
Set a long timeout for formula testing
Set a long timeout for dependent testing
Lua use is a significant feature of the PR or issue
Additional maintainers' opinions may be needed
Bottle manifest is corrupt and cannot be merged
PR is probably going to be closed or formula deleted
Formula has a missing license which should be added
You can’t perform that action at this time.