DKDemo is demo application for DKGL. You can see 6 demo samples with this app. All contents was written with Python. This project is ready to build and run on Windows, Mac OS X, iOS. This project has pre-built core library. no sources for core libraries. You can download core library source from
This project has IDE environment files. (Visual Studio 2013, Xcode6)
Demo Program source codesDKLib
Core Library (C++)DKFoundation
Templates, file, threading, data collections, foundation libraryDKFramework
Graphics, Audio, Game Physics, Application related
Python bindings (C++)Bin
Visual Studio 2013 Solution fileDKDemo.xcworkspace
Xcode 6 Workspace file
- See demo quickly. (no build, no IDE required.)
- Screenshots embedded bottom of page.
- Windows
- Download * Build: 2015-01-22, win32_i386
- Mac OS X
- Download
- Build: 2015-02-24
a small game engine, written with C++. This project includes pre-built DK libraries (DK, PyDK). all contents were written with Python. You can use all codes of this project for your project, whether it is commercial or not.
more detail, full-source on
Windows Vista (or later, 32-64bit)
Mac OS X 10.8 or later
iOS 4.0 or later
In this demo, distributes with Framework library. So If you want to build and run with this project, a target OS should be iOS 8.0 or later. Previous iOS does not supports Framework. If you want to build for iOS7 or earlier version of iOS, download DKLib and build static-library. (download link is described above.)
i386, x64, armv7, arm64 universal binary included.
Android and Linux are not supported at this time.
- Windows
- Vista or later
- Visual Studio 2013
- Mac
- Mac OS X 10.8 or later
- Xcode 6
Framework includes symbolic-link. Do not use zipped file created from windows.
- OpenGL 3.1 or later
- OpenGL ES 2.0 or later (mobile)
Copyright (C) 2015, Hongtae Kim.
- Animation control sample
- 3 characters, 3 animations
- Keyboard arrow: move vehicle, Mouse left-click: move camera, right-click: shoot obstacle
- first touch moves camera, second touch shoots obstacle on iOS
- Left click: move camera, Right click: shoot box
- Seond finger touch to shoot box on iOS
- LiSPSM algorithm written with Python.
- Move light direction with bottom-left sliders.
- Script demo to make 2D games.
- Texture Atlas generated from TexturePacker.
- Demo for UI Controls
- Can use UI for game or tools.