MaterialIconButton displays an icon and can execute a command.
View Material Design documentation
<material3:MaterialIconButton Command="{Binding StandardCommand}">
<ffimageloadingsvg:SvgCachedImage Source="resource://ExampleMaterialDesignControls.Resources.Svg.mute.svg" />
This property is to set the type of the IconButton.
- Standard (Default)
- Filled
- Outlined
- Tonal
This property is to set if the icon button is enabled or disabled.
This property is to set a command for execution when the control is tapped.
This property is to specify a parameter for the command when the control is tapped.
This property is to set the animation of the control when is tapped.
- None (Default)
- Fade
- Scale
- Custom
This property is to set the animation of the control when is tapped.
This property is to set a custom animation of the control when is tapped.
This property is to set the background color for the circle in the Filled and Tonal types, and for the border in the Outlined type.
This property is to set the background color for the circle in the Filled and Tonal types when the icon button is disabled, and for the border in the Outlined type.
This property is to set the icon.
This property is to set the icon when the icon button is disabled.
This property is to set a custom icon.
This property is to set a custom icon when the icon button is disabled.
This property is used to define the padding of the icon in relation to the circle.
This property is to set the color of the busy indicator.
This property is to show a busy indicator in the button when a command is running.