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128 lines (127 loc) · 4.25 KB

File metadata and controls

128 lines (127 loc) · 4.25 KB


  • Core Concepts and Internals
    • Strengths and weaknesses of .NET
    • Stateful and stateless services
    • Asynchronous and synchronous programming
    • Task-based asynchronous pattern
    • Garbage collection in .NET
    • .NET runtime versions and support
    • I/O-bound, CPU-bound tasks
    • Real-time applications with SignalR
  • Modularity and Dependencies
    • .NET assemblies
    • NuGet package management
    • Dependency management in .NET
    • Dependency Injection in .NET
    • Inversion of Control (IoC)
    • IoC containers in .NET
    • Middleware and pipeline configuration
    • Modular applications
  • Environment and Tools
    • Command line interface (CLI) tools
    • .NET CLI
    • Windows Services and Linux Daemons
    • Hosting and Deployment models
    • IIS and Kestrel web server
    • Environment variables and configuration
    • File system I/O operations
    • Multithreading with Task Parallel Library (TPL)
    • Performance monitoring and diagnostics
  • APIs and Framework Features
    • LINQ
    • SignalR for real-time web functionality
    • High-performance RPC with gRPC
    • Security features (authentication, authorization)
    • Cryptography and secure data handling
    • Memory and resource management
    • Globalization and localization
  • Network and Protocols
    • HTTP/HTTPS support
    • WebSockets for real-time communication
    • TCP/UDP networking
    • SSL/TLS for secure connections
    • Efficient network communication with gRPC
    • HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 support
    • Network security (DDoS, XSS, CSRF prevention)
    • Serialization and deserialization (JSON, XML)
  • Testing and Debugging
    • Unit testing with frameworks like xUnit, NUnit
    • Integration testing
    • Logging and tracing
    • Application monitoring and telemetry
    • Debugging tools and strategies
    • Performance profiling and analysis
  • Data Access and ORM
    • Entity Framework Core
    • Dapper
    • ADO.NET for database access
    • Data modeling and migration
    • Repository and Unit of Work patterns
    • CRUD operations
  • Error Handling and Debugging
    • Exception handling in .NET
    • Custom error classes
    • Debugging and diagnostic tools
    • Profiling and performance analysis
    • Memory leak detection
  • Integration and Extensibility
    • Interoperability with native libraries
    • P/Invoke for calling C/C++ libraries
    • COM interop
    • .NET for WebAssembly
    • Custom middleware development
  • Cloud and Microservices
    • Integration with cloud platforms (Azure, AWS)
    • Microservices architecture
    • Containerization with Docker
    • Kubernetes for orchestration
    • Serverless computing
  • C# Development
    • C# syntax and language fundamentals
    • Advanced C# features (LINQ, async/await, delegates, events)
    • Reflection and dynamic programming
    • Data types and collections
    • Generics and extension methods
    • Attributes and annotations
    • Interoperability with other .NET languages
  • F# Development
    • F# syntax and language fundamentals
    • Immutable data structures
    • Pattern matching and discriminated unions
    • Functional-first design and development
    • Type providers and metaprogramming
    • Asynchronous and parallel programming
    • Using .NET libraries in F#
    • Building web applications with F# and Giraffe or Saturn
    • Testing with FsUnit
  • VB.NET Development
    • VB.NET syntax and language fundamentals
    • Event-driven programming
    • COM interop and P/Invoke
    • XML and file handling
    • Office automation and VSTO
    • Migration strategies for legacy VB6 applications
  • C++/CLI Development Development
    • C++ syntax and language fundamentals
    • Interoperability between managed (.NET) and unmanaged (native) code
    • Memory management in mixed environments
    • C++/CLI syntax and usage
    • Accessing .NET Framework classes in C++
    • Writing performance-critical modules
    • Interfacing with native libraries and APIs
    • Developing custom .NET libraries in C++
    • Managing resource disposal and finalization
    • Creating and consuming DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries)
    • Working with Windows API
    • Migration of legacy C++ code to .NET
    • Enhancing existing .NET applications with C++/CLI
  • Mobile development
    • .NET MAUI / Xamarin
    • Interoperability between managed code and iOS/Android API
  • Game development
    • Unity
  • Web development
    • ASP.NET Core
    • Blazor
    • Razor Syntax
    • RESTful API development