We welcome contributions to this VueJS template! There are many ways you can help, whether it's reporting bugs, suggesting new features, or contributing code.
If you find a bug in this VueJS Template, please report it by opening an issue in the GitHub repository. Be sure to include a clear and concise description of the problem, as well as steps to reproduce the issue. If possible, include a code sample or a minimal reproduction of the bug.
We're always open to new ideas for this VueJS Template. If you have a suggestion for a new feature, please open an issue in the GitHub repository and label it as a "feature request." Be sure to include a clear and concise description of the feature, as well as any relevant details or use cases.
If you'd like to contribute code to this VueJS Template, here's what you need to know:
- use the .nvmrc for the correct NodeJS Version
- use yarn for package manager
Go to the GitHub repository and click the "Compare & pull request" button next to your feature branch.
Review your changes, and if everything looks good, click the "Create pull request" button.
Wait for your pull request to be reviewed and merged.