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This directory contains code for the components that comprise the Kubeflow Pipelines backend.

Building & Testing

To run all unittests for backend:

go test -v -cover ./backend/...

The API server itself can be built using:

go build -o /tmp/apiserver backend/src/apiserver/*.go

Code Style

Backend codebase follows the Google's Go Style Guide. Please, take time to get familiar with the best practices. It is not intended to be exhaustive, but it often helps minimizing guesswork among developers and keep codebase uniform and consistent.

We use golangci-lint tool that can catch common mistakes locally (see detailed configuration here). It can be conveniently integrated with multiple popular IDEs such as VS Code or Vim.

Finally, it is advised to install pre-commit in order to automate linter checks (see configuration here)

Building APIServer image locally

The API server image can be built from the root folder of the repo using:

export API_SERVER_IMAGE=api_server
docker build -f backend/Dockerfile . --tag $API_SERVER_IMAGE

Deploy APIServer with the image you own build


kubectl edit deployment.v1.apps/ml-pipeline -n kubeflow

You'll see the field reference the api server docker image. Change it to point to your own build, after saving and closing the file, apiserver will restart with your change.

Building client library and swagger files

After making changes to proto files, the Go client libraries, Python client libraries and swagger files need to be regenerated and checked-in. Refer to backend/api for details.

Updating licenses info

  1. Install go-licenses tool and refer to its documentation for how to use it.

  2. Run the tool to update all licenses:

    make all

Updating python dependencies

pip-tools is used to manage python dependencies. To update dependencies, edit and run ./ to update and pin the transitive dependencies.

Visualization Server Instructions

Updating python dependencies

pip-tools is used to manage python dependencies. To update dependencies, edit and run ./ to update and pin the transitive dependencies.

Building conformance tests (WIP)


docker build . -f backend/Dockerfile.conformance -t <tag>

API Server Development

Run Locally With a Kind Cluster

This deploys a local Kubernetes cluster leveraging kind, with all the components required to run the Kubeflow Pipelines API server. Note that the ml-pipeline Deployment (API server) has its replicas set to 0 so that the API server can be run locally for debugging and faster development. The local API server is available by pods on the cluster using the ml-pipeline Service.


  • The kind CLI is installed.
  • The following ports are available on your localhost: 3000, 3306, 8080, 9000, and 8889. If these are unavailable, modify kind-config.yaml and configure the API server with alternative ports when running locally.
  • If using a Mac, you will need to modify the Endpoints manifest to leverage the bridge network interface through Docker/Podman Desktop. See kind #1200 for an example manifest.
  • Optional: VSCode is installed to leverage a sample launch.json file.

Provisioning the Cluster

To provision the kind cluster, run the following from the Git repository's root directory,:

make -C backend dev-kind-cluster

This may take several minutes since there are many pods. Note that many pods will be in "CrashLoopBackOff" status until all the pods have started.

Deleting the Cluster

Run the following to delete the cluster:

kind delete clusters dev-pipelines-api

Launch the API Server With VSCode

After the cluster is provisioned, you may leverage the following sample .vscode/launch.json file to run the API server locally:

  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "name": "Launch API Server (Kind)",
      "type": "go",
      "request": "launch",
      "mode": "debug",
      "program": "${workspaceFolder}/backend/src/apiserver",
      "env": {
        "POD_NAMESPACE": "kubeflow",
        "DBCONFIG_MYSQLCONFIG_HOST": "localhost",
        "MINIO_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST": "localhost",
      "args": [

Using the Environment

Once the cluster is provisioned and the API server is running, you can access the API server at http://localhost:8888 (e.g. http://localhost:8888/apis/v2beta1/pipelines).

You can also access the Kubeflow Pipelines web interface at http://localhost:3000.

You can also directly connect to the MariaDB database server with:

mysql -h -u root

Remote Debug the Driver

These instructions assume you are leveraging the Kind cluster in the Run Locally With a Kind Cluster section.

Build the Driver Image With Debug Prerequisites

Run the following to create the backend/Dockerfile.driver-debug file and build the container image tagged as kfp-driver:debug. This container image is based on backend/Dockerfile.driver but installs Delve, builds the binary without compiler optimizations so the binary matches the source code (via GCFLAGS="all=-N -l"), and copies the source code to the destination container for the debugger. Any changes to the Driver code will require rebuilding this container image.

make -C backend image_driver_debug

Then load the container image in the Kind cluster.

make -C backend kind-load-driver-debug

Alternatively, you can use this Make target that does both.

make -C kind-build-and-load-driver-debug

Run the API Server With Debug Configuration

You may use the following VS Code launch.json file to run the API server which overrides the Driver command to use Delve and the Driver image to use debug image built previously.

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Launch API server (Kind) (Debug Driver)",
            "type": "go",
            "request": "launch",
            "mode": "debug",
            "program": "${workspaceFolder}/backend/src/apiserver",
            "env": {
                "POD_NAMESPACE": "kubeflow",
                "DBCONFIG_MYSQLCONFIG_HOST": "localhost",
                "MINIO_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST": "localhost",
                "MINIO_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT": "9000",
                "METADATA_GRPC_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST": "localhost",
                "METADATA_GRPC_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT": "8080",
                "V2_DRIVER_IMAGE": "kfp-driver:debug",
                "V2_DRIVER_COMMAND": "dlv exec --listen=:2345 --headless=true --api-version=2 --log /bin/driver --",

Starting a Remote Debug Session

Start by launching a pipeline. This will eventually create a Driver pod that is waiting for a remote debug connection.

You can see the pods with the following command.

kubectl -n kubeflow get pods -w

Once you see a pod with -driver in the name such as hello-world-clph9-system-dag-driver-10974850, port forward the Delve port in the pod to your localhost (replace <driver pod name> with the actual name).

kubectl -n kubeflow port-forward <driver pod name> 2345:2345

Set a breakpoint on the Driver code in VS Code. Then remotely connect to the Delve debug session with the following VS Code launch.json file:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Connect to remote driver",
            "type": "go",
            "request": "attach",
            "mode": "remote",
            "remotePath": "/go/src/",
            "port": 2345,
            "host": "",

Once the Driver pod succeeds, the remote debug session will close. Then repeat the process of forwarding the port of subsequent Driver pods and starting remote debug sessions in VS Code until the pipeline completes.

For debugging a specific Driver pod, you'll need to continuously port forward and connect to the remote debug session without a breakpoint so that Delve will continue execution until the Driver pod you are interested in starts up. At that point, you can set a break point, port forward, and connect to the remote debug session to debug that specific Driver pod.