- Based on: https://django-rest-framework-json-api.readthedocs.org/
- Format specification: http://jsonapi.org/format/
- Django REST Framework: https://www.django-rest-framework.org/
- Python (3.8)
- Django (3.1)
- Django REST Framework (3.12)
Use conda
to create and activate an environment, as specified in the environment.yml
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate mmdb
Conda will run pip install -r [requirementsfile}.txt
for all the files listed in the .yml specifications.
Create a schema in your local MySQL server called mmdb
Migrate and load the data:
$ django-admin migrate --settings=mmdb.settings
$ django-admin loaddata mmdb --settings=mmdb.settings
$ django-admin runserver 8002 --settings=mmdb.settings
Run tests:
django-admin test mmdb.tests --settings=mmdb.settings.test
Browse to
- http://localhost:8002 for the list of available collections (in a non-JSONAPI format!),
- http://localhost:8002/swagger-ui/ for a Swagger user interface to the dynamic schema view, or
- http://localhost:8002/openapi for the schema view's OpenAPI specification document.
defines the prefix of docker container name - COMPOSE_FILE
defines the compose file to build the service - MMDB_BRANCH
defines the github branch to build from when use docker-compose.override.yaml - MMDB_PORT=8002
defines the port to run the app, defaults to 8002 - SQL_DATABASE=mmdb
- COMPOSE_FILE=docker/docker-compose.yaml;docker/docker-compose.dev.override.yaml
- SQL_HOST=host.docker.internal
- COMPOSE_FILE=docker/docker-compose.yaml;docker/docker-compose.override.yaml
- SQL_HOST=host.docker.internal
- MMDB_BRANCH=the_remote_branch_name (defaults to master)
- COMPOSE_FILE=docker/docker-compose.yaml;docker/docker-compose.dev.override.yaml;docker/docker-compose.mysql.override.yaml
or - COMPOSE_FILE=docker/docker-compose.yaml;docker/docker-compose.override.yaml;docker/docker-compose.mysql.override.yaml
- SQL_HOST=mysql
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up
Then browse to http://localhost:8002 (or the port configured)
Manually ssh to the mmdb container and run the migrate command
$ docker exec -it mmdb_mmdb_1 /bin/sh
# django-admin migrate --settings=mmdb.settings