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sydneyjd edited this page Apr 8, 2015 · 4 revisions

This is a list of tasks and issues that might be worth to implement or fix, however it is not an authoritative list of things that must be done, it is a collection of random things popping up during development. Thus not everything in here might be well thought out or really worth to implement. Use your brain before implementing anything on this list and always think about how useful a new feature would be in the context of the whole game or if a potential performance enhancement, actually enhances anything at all.

The list is incomplete and is just a rough outline, but it does feature some of our bigger issues.

Milestone 2


  • Extract translatable strings from scripts:


  • make "downer" lava tiles for the newer lava graphics. WIP by Sydney.
  • Create stone graphics of Tux:
    • Tobbi and Sydney tried but didn't get far. Contact them if you want to see what they have so far.
    • Mantis 1072
  • Graphics improvements for Tree Boss



  • Remove unreachable badguys in worlds:
    • Ongoing task, always WIP it seems. Mostly fixed though.
    • Mantis 1016
  • Add ghost tree boss to forest world:


  • Switching layers while Brush Tool is active causes fatal exceptions:
  • The editor claims there is something wrong with a Bonus Block in my level, when there isn't:
  • Snowshot dispensers do not work in the editor:
  • Move this section to the editor repository on GitHub?


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