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πŸ¦€ 30 Days of Rust: Day 23 - Web Development with Rust 🌐

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Author: Het Patel

October, 2024

<< Day 22 | Day 24 >>


πŸ“˜ Day 23 - Web Development with Rust

πŸ‘‹ Welcome

Welcome to Day 23 of the 30 Days of Rust Challenge! πŸŽ‰

Today, we dive into web development with Rust. While Rust isn’t traditionally associated with web development like JavaScript or Python, it has grown into a compelling choice for building high-performance, secure, and scalable web applications.

Whether you're building APIs, microservices, or complete web applications, Rust's ecosystem offers powerful tools to craft performant, secure, and scalable web solutions.

By the end of this lesson, you will:

  • Understand Rust’s web development ecosystem.
  • Learn about popular web frameworks like Actix Web, Rocket, and Warp.
  • Build a simple web server with routes and APIs.
  • Integrate a database for persistent storage.
  • Explore authentication, security, and deployment strategies.
  • Build a basic web server with Rust.
  • Explore the axum crate for handling routes and middleware.
  • Learn to handle JSON payloads and develop REST APIs.
  • Create a simple full-stack web application.

Let’s get started! πŸš€

πŸ” Overview

Welcome to Day 23 of your Rust journey! Today, we’ll dive into the exciting world of web development with Rust. πŸš€

Rust is gaining traction as a go-to language for building fast, reliable, and secure web applications. From crafting robust backends to implementing high-performance APIs, Rust's ecosystem has everything you need to excel.

In this session, we’ll:

  1. Explore popular frameworks like axum and actix-web.
  2. Build our first REST API.
  3. Learn to integrate Rust backends with modern frontend frameworks like React or Vue.js.

Why Rust for Web Development?

  • ⚑ High Performance: Built for speed and concurrency.
  • πŸ”’ Safety First: No more null pointer exceptions or data races!
  • 🌐 Growing Ecosystem: Powerful libraries like axum, warp, and actix-web to streamline web development.

By the end of this day, you’ll be equipped to create your first full-stack app with Rust at its core.

πŸ›  Environment Setup

Let’s ensure you’re ready to code! Follow these steps to set up a complete environment for web development with Rust:

1. Install Rust

Ensure Rust is installed on your system:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Verify installation:

rustc --version

2. Install Cargo Tools

Cargo is Rust's package manager and build system. It's essential for managing dependencies and projects.
Update Cargo for the latest features:

cargo install-update -a

3. Set Up a Web Framework

We’ll use axum for this day. Add it to your project dependencies:

cargo new rust_web_project
cd rust_web_project
cargo add axum tokio serde serde_json

This command includes:

  • axum: For building web servers.
  • tokio: For async runtime.
  • serde & serde_json: For JSON serialization and deserialization.

4. Add a Database Library (Optional)

To include database support, install a library like sqlx for PostgreSQL:

cargo add sqlx --features postgres

5. Set Up Development Tools

  • IDE: Use VS Code or IntelliJ IDEA with the Rust plugin for syntax highlighting and autocompletion.
  • Linting: Install clippy to catch common mistakes:
    rustup component add clippy
  • Formatting: Ensure consistent code style with rustfmt:
    rustup component add rustfmt

6. Run Your First Server

Test your setup with a simple Hello, World! server:

use axum::{handler::get, Router};

async fn main() {
    let app = Router::new().route("/", get(|| async { "Hello, World!" }));
    axum::Server::bind(&([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000).into())

Start the server:

cargo run

Visit in your browser, and you’re ready to go! πŸŽ‰

πŸ•Έ Introduction to Web Development with Rust

Rust's emphasis on performance, type safety, and memory safety makes it an excellent choice for web applications that demand:

  • Speed: Comparable to C and C++ for high-performance backends.
  • Concurrency: Powerful async capabilities with tokio and async-std.
  • Security: Strong guarantees to prevent common bugs like data races and memory corruption.

🌟 Why Choose Rust for Web Development?

  1. Efficiency: Rust’s zero-cost abstractions allow developers to write high-performance web servers.
  2. Reliability: Memory safety features reduce bugs, crashes, and vulnerabilities.
  3. Async Support: Rust’s async runtime makes handling thousands of connections easy.
  4. Ecosystem: Libraries like axum, warp, and actix-web simplify the development process.

Key Advantages

  1. Performance
    Rust delivers low-level performance, making it ideal for web applications with high throughput and low latency requirements.

  2. Safety
    Rust’s memory safety guarantees ensure fewer bugs and vulnerabilities compared to languages like C++ or PHP.

  3. Concurrency
    With its async runtime and modern concurrency model, Rust is well-suited for handling multiple simultaneous connections.

  4. Rich Ecosystem
    Tools like axum, warp, and actix-web make web development simple and expressive.

  5. Cross-platform Deployments
    Rust's portability allows seamless deployment across different platforms and environments.

πŸš€ Setting Up a Rust Web Server

We’ll use the axum framework to build our server. It’s lightweight, async-native, and easy to use for both beginners and experts.

Step 1: Create a New Rust Project

Start by creating a new Rust project:

$ cargo new rust-web-server
$ cd rust-web-server

Step 2: Add Dependencies

Add the following dependencies to your Cargo.toml:

axum = "0.6"
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }
serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "1.0"
tower = "0.4"

Step 3: Write Your First Web Server

use axum::{routing::get, Router};
use std::net::SocketAddr;

async fn main() {
    // Define a basic route
    let app = Router::new().route("/", get(|| async { "Hello, Rustacean!" }));

    // Bind to an address and start the server
    let addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000));
    println!("Server running at http://{}", addr);


Run the server with:

$ cargo run

Visit in your browser. You’ll see Hello, Rustacean!.

βš™ Basic Web Server with axum

Here’s a minimal example:

use axum::{routing::get, Router};
use std::net::SocketAddr;

async fn main() {
    // Define a basic route
    let app = Router::new().route("/", get(|| async { "Hello, World!" }));

    // Bind to an address and start the server
    let addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000));
    println!("Server running at http://{}", addr);

Run the server with:

$ cargo run

Visit to see Hello, World!.

πŸ”§ Adding Routes

Define additional routes for different endpoints:

let app = Router::new()
    .route("/", get(|| async { "Welcome to Rust Web Development!" }))
    .route("/hello", get(|| async { "Hello, Rustacean!" }))
    .route("/json", get(|| async { axum::Json(serde_json::json!({"message": "Hello, JSON!"})) }));

πŸ›  Handling Requests and Responses

Use axum’s request extractors to handle data:

use axum::{extract::Query, routing::get, Router};
use serde::Deserialize;

struct GreetParams {
    name: String,

async fn main() {
    let app = Router::new().route(
        get(|Query(params): Query<GreetParams>| async move {
            format!("Hello, {}!",

    axum::Server::bind(&([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000).into())

Test it with:

$ curl ""

πŸ”’ Handling Authentication and Security

  • JWT (JSON Web Tokens): For user authentication.
  • OAuth: Integrate with third-party services like Google or GitHub.
  • HTTPS: Use TLS to encrypt communication.

Example: Middleware for Authentication

use actix_web::{dev::ServiceRequest, Error, HttpMessage};
use actix


async fn validator(req: ServiceRequest, _: actix_web::dev::Payload) -> Result<ServiceRequest, Error> {
    if let Some(auth_header) = req.headers().get("Authorization") {
        if auth_header == "Bearer secret-token" {
            return Ok(req);


Middleware allows you to intercept requests or responses to add extra behavior like logging or authentication.


Middleware allows us to apply transformations, authentication, or logging.

πŸ”‘ Adding Middleware

use axum::{middleware, routing::get, Router};

async fn log_middleware<B>(req: axum::http::Request<B>) -> axum::http::Request<B> {
    println!("Request: {:?}", req);

async fn main() {
    let app = Router::new()
        .route("/", get(|| async { "Home Page" }))

    axum::Server::bind(&([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000).into())

πŸ”‘ Adding Middleware

use axum::{middleware, routing::get, Router};
use tower_http::trace::TraceLayer;

async fn main() {
    let app = Router::new()
        .route("/", get(|| async { "Hello, Middleware!" }))

    axum::Server::bind(&([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000).into())

πŸ“² Adding Authentication

You can handle token-based authentication using extractors:

use axum::{extract::Extension, middleware, routing::get, Router};

async fn check_auth<B>(
    req: axum::http::Request<B>,
) -> Result<axum::http::Request<B>, axum::http::Response<axum::body::Body>> {
    if let Some(auth) = req.headers().get("Authorization") {
        if auth == "Bearer mysecrettoken" {
            return Ok(req);

async fn main() {
    let app = Router::new()
        .route("/", get(|| async { "Secure Zone!" }))

    axum::Server::bind(&([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000).into())

πŸ” Securing the Server

Securing your server involves implementing HTTPS and robust authentication mechanisms. Here's a detailed guide with examples:

1. Using HTTPS with TLS

HTTPS ensures that the communication between your server and clients is encrypted, preventing data interception and tampering. In Rust, you can use libraries like hyper-rustls or rustls to add TLS (Transport Layer Security) support.

Steps to Add HTTPS:
  1. Install Dependencies
    Add the required crates to your Cargo.toml file:

    hyper = "0.14"
    hyper-rustls = "0.23"
    tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }
  2. Generate SSL Certificates
    Use tools like Let's Encrypt or OpenSSL to create certificates.
    For development purposes, generate self-signed certificates:

    openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365 -nodes

    This creates key.pem (private key) and cert.pem (certificate).

  3. Set Up the TLS Configuration
    Here's an example of a basic HTTPS server using hyper and hyper-rustls:

    use hyper::service::{make_service_fn, service_fn};
    use hyper::{Body, Request, Response, Server};
    use hyper_rustls::{HttpsConnectorBuilder, ServerConfig};
    use std::sync::Arc;
    use tokio::fs::read;
    async fn handle_request(_req: Request<Body>) -> Result<Response<Body>, hyper::Error> {
        Ok(Response::new(Body::from("Hello, HTTPS World!")))
    async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
        // Load SSL certificates
        let certs = read("cert.pem").await?;
        let key = read("key.pem").await?;
        let tls_config = ServerConfig::builder()
            .with_single_cert(certs, key)?;
        let tls_acceptor = Arc::new(tls_config);
        let addr = ([127, 0, 0, 1], 443).into();
        let make_svc = make_service_fn(|_conn| async { Ok::<_, hyper::Error>(service_fn(handle_request)) });
        let server = Server::builder(HttpsConnectorBuilder::new(tls_acceptor).build())
        println!("HTTPS Server running on https://{}", addr);

    This server listens on port 443 and serves encrypted content using HTTPS.

2. Adding Authentication

Authentication ensures only authorized users can access certain parts of your application.

Option 1: Basic Authentication

Basic Authentication sends a username and password with each request (over HTTPS).

use hyper::{header, Body, Request, Response, StatusCode};

async fn handle_request(req: Request<Body>) -> Result<Response<Body>, hyper::Error> {
    if let Some(auth) = req.headers().get(header::AUTHORIZATION) {
        if auth == "Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==" { // user:password base64
            return Ok(Response::new(Body::from("Welcome, authenticated user!")));
    let mut response = Response::new(Body::from("Unauthorized"));
    *response.status_mut() = StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED;
Option 2: Token-Based Authentication (JWT)

JWT (JSON Web Tokens) are a more secure and scalable way to handle authentication.

  1. Add Dependencies:
    jsonwebtoken = "8"
    serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
  2. Generate and Verify Tokens:
    use jsonwebtoken::{encode, decode, Header, Algorithm, Validation, EncodingKey, DecodingKey};
    use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
    #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
    struct Claims {
        sub: String,
        exp: usize,
    fn generate_jwt() -> String {
        let my_claims = Claims { sub: "user1".to_owned(), exp: 10000000000 };
        encode(&Header::default(), &my_claims, &EncodingKey::from_secret("secret".as_ref())).unwrap()
    fn verify_jwt(token: &str) -> bool {
        decode::<Claims>(token, &DecodingKey::from_secret("secret".as_ref()), &Validation::new(Algorithm::HS256)).is_ok()
    fn main() {
        let token = generate_jwt();
        println!("Generated JWT: {}", token);
        let is_valid = verify_jwt(&token);
        println!("Token is valid: {}", is_valid);
  3. Use JWT in Headers for Secure Communication.

Practices for Security

  • Always use HTTPS in production.
  • Store secrets securely (e.g., use environment variables).
  • Use well-tested libraries for authentication.
  • Regularly update dependencies to patch vulnerabilities.

πŸ“¦ Working with JSON and APIs

πŸ“€ Building REST APIs

Develop endpoints for CRUD operations:

use axum::{routing::get, Router, Json};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

struct User {
    id: u32,
    name: String,

async fn get_user() -> Json<User> {
    Json(User {
        id: 1,
        name: "Het Patel".to_string(),

async fn main() {
    let app = Router::new().route("/user", get(get_user));

    axum::Server::bind(&([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000).into())


REST APIs are integral to web development. Use serde for JSON serialization/deserialization.

Creating a REST API

use axum::{extract::Json, routing::post, Router};
use serde::Deserialize;

struct CreateUser {
    name: String,

async fn create_user(Json(payload): Json<CreateUser>) -> String {
    format!("User {} created",

async fn main() {
    let app = Router::new().route("/user", post(create_user));

    axum::Server::bind(&([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000).into())

πŸ“₯ Handling JSON Payloads


struct CreateUser {
    name: String,

async fn create_user(Json(payload): Json<CreateUser>) -> String {
    format!("User {} created",

🌐 Building a Simple Full-Stack Application

Let’s take it up a notch! πŸš€ Here's how to integrate Rust for your backend and use React or Vue.js for the frontend. We'll create a TODO App as an example.

Backend: REST API with Rust

We'll use axum for routing and serde for JSON serialization.

  1. Setup a POST endpoint to add a task:

    use axum::{extract::Json, routing::post, Router};
    use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
    #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
    struct Task {
        id: usize,
        title: String,
        completed: bool,
    async fn add_task(Json(task): Json<Task>) -> Json<Task> {
        // Ideally, store tasks in a database; here, we'll just return it.
    async fn main() {
        let app = Router::new().route("/add_task", post(add_task));
        axum::Server::bind(&([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000).into())
  2. Frontend: Call the API
    Using fetch or axios in React:

    async function addTask(task) {
        const response = await fetch("", {
            method: "POST",
            headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
            body: JSON.stringify(task),
        const data = await response.json();
  3. Test the Integration:
    Use Postman or the browser console to ensure the backend and frontend are talking smoothly.

πŸ“š Popular Web Frameworks

Rust has several web frameworks to choose from, each with its unique strengths.

1️⃣ Actix Web

  • Features:

    • Highly performant and scalable.
    • Built on the powerful actix actor framework.
    • Supports middleware, websockets, and async operations.
  • Use Case:

    • Ideal for building large-scale, production-grade APIs.
use actix_web::{web, App, HttpServer, Responder};

async fn greet() -> impl Responder {
    "Hello, World!"

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    HttpServer::new(|| {
        App::new().route("/", web::get().to(greet))

2️⃣ Rocket

  • Features:

    • Simple, intuitive, and batteries-included.
    • Focuses on developer productivity.
    • Built-in support for templating and JSON.
  • Use Case:

    • Quick prototyping or building RESTful APIs.
#[macro_use] extern crate rocket;

fn index() -> &'static str {
    "Welcome to Rocket!"

fn rocket() -> _ {
    rocket::build().mount("/", routes![index])

3️⃣ Warp

  • Features:

    • Lightweight, functional-style framework.
    • Built on hyper for speed and async capabilities.
    • Powerful composability with filters.
  • Use Case:

    • Microservices and serverless APIs.
use warp::Filter;

async fn main() {
    let route = warp::path!("hello" / String)
        .map(|name| format!("Hello, {}!", name));

        .run(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030))

4️⃣ Axum

  • Features:

    • Designed for ergonomics and performance.
    • Leverages tokio and tower for async and middleware.
  • Use Case:

    • A balance between simplicity and scalability.
use axum::{Router, routing::get};

async fn handler() -> &'static str {
    "Welcome to Axum!"

async fn main() {
    let app = Router::new().route("/", get(handler));

πŸ› οΈ Building a Simple Web Server

Let’s build a basic REST API with Actix Web.


  1. Setup Project:
    Add dependencies to Cargo.toml:

    actix-web = "4.0"
    serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
  2. Define API Endpoints:

use actix_web::{web, App, HttpServer, Responder};
use serde::Serialize;

struct Message {
    text: String,

async fn hello() -> impl Responder {
    web::Json(Message { text: "Hello, Actix!".to_string() })

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    HttpServer::new(|| {
        App::new().route("/hello", web::get().to(hello))
  1. Run and Test:
    Start the server and access the endpoint at

🌟 Exploring APIs and Routes

  1. Dynamic Routing:
async fn greet(name: web::Path<String>) -> impl Responder {
    format!("Hello, {}!", name)

App::new().route("/greet/{name}", web::get().to(greet));
  1. Middleware:
    Add logging, authentication, or custom behavior.
use actix_web::middleware::Logger;

    .route("/", web::get().to(index));

πŸ—„οΈ Database Integration

Rust provides great database support through libraries like:

  • Diesel: Strongly-typed ORM.
  • SQLx: Async and lightweight.

Example with SQLx:

use sqlx::sqlite::SqlitePool;

async fn main() -> Result<(), sqlx::Error> {
    let pool = SqlitePool::connect("sqlite::memory:").await?;

    sqlx::query("CREATE TABLE users (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT)")

    sqlx::query("INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES ('Alice')")

    let row: (i64, String) = sqlx::query_as("SELECT id, name FROM users WHERE name = 'Alice'")

    println!("User: {} with ID {}", row.1, row.0);

πŸš€ Deploying Rust Web Applications

  1. Containerization: Use Docker to package your application.
  2. Hosting:
    • Cloud services like AWS, Azure, or DigitalOcean.
    • Serverless platforms like or Vercel.

Example Dockerfile:

FROM rust:1.72 as builder
COPY . .
RUN cargo build --release

FROM debian:buster
COPY --from=builder /app/target/release/my-app .
CMD ["./my-app"]

🎯 Hands-On Challenge

Put your skills to the test with these hands-on challenges for Day 23!

Challenge: Blog Backend πŸ“

Build a simple blog backend that supports:

  1. Adding blog posts (POST).
  2. Viewing all posts (GET).
  3. Deleting posts by ID (DELETE).

Bonus: Implement an in-memory database (e.g., HashMap) to store the posts temporarily.

Build a simple blog backend with Rust:

  • Define routes for post creation, retrieval, and deletion.
  • Use JSON to manage posts.
  1. Build a RESTful API that includes CRUD operations for a Book resource.
  2. Integrate an SQLite database for storing books.
  3. Secure your API with basic JWT authentication.

πŸ’» Exercises - Day 23

βœ… Exercise: Level 1

  • Set up a basic Rust web server with axum.
  • Add routes for / and /hello.
  • Display a JSON response on a /data route.

πŸš€ Exercise: Level 2

  • Build a REST API to manage a User Registry:
    • Add a user (POST).
    • List all users (GET).
    • Update a user's details (PUT).
    • Delete a user (DELETE).

πŸ† Exercise: Level 3 (Advanced)

  • Build a secure full-stack application:
    • Backend: Use Rust to create a CRUD API for tasks with authentication middleware.
    • Frontend: Use React or Vue.js for a responsive UI.
    • Use Docker to containerize the application.

Bonus Challenge: Implement OAuth2 login (e.g., Google Sign-In) for your application.

πŸŽ₯ Helpful Video References

Boost your learning with these handpicked video tutorials:

  1. Rust Web Development with Axum - A beginner-friendly introduction to building web apps with Axum.
  2. Building REST APIs in Rust - Covers advanced REST API concepts.
  3. Rust Async Programming Demystified - Learn async programming in Rust to handle concurrent requests.
  4. Integrating Rust with React Frontend - Full-stack development using Rust and React.

πŸ“š Further Reading

For those eager to dive deeper, here are some valuable resources:

  1. Official Axum Documentation
    Comprehensive guide on building apps with Axum.
  2. Rust Web Development Handbook
    A comprehensive guide to building scalable and efficient web applications with Rust development.
  3. The Tower Library
    Middleware library for building scalable web services.
  4. Tokio Async Runtime
    Master Rust's async ecosystem with Tokio.
  5. Understanding Actix Web
    Learn another popular Rust web framework.

πŸ“ Day 23 Summary

Today, we explored the fascinating world of web development with Rust:

  • Learned about popular frameworks like Actix Web, Rocket, Warp, and Axum.
  • Built a simple REST API.
  • Integrated a database using SQLx.
  • Explored authentication and security best practices.
  • Discussed deployment strategies for Rust web applications.

Rust empowers developers to build fast, secure, and scalable web apps. Practice the hands-on challenges to solidify your knowledge!

Stay tuned for Day 24, where we will explore Integrating with C/C++ in Rust in Rust! πŸš€

🌟 Great job on completing Day 23! Keep practicing, and get ready for Day 24!

Thank you for joining Day 23 of the 30 Days of Rust challenge! If you found this helpful, don’t forget to Star GIF star this repository, share it with your friends, and stay tuned for more exciting lessons ahead!

Stay Connected
πŸ“§ Email: Hunterdii
🐦 Twitter: @HetPate94938685
🌐 Website: Working On It(Temporary)

<< Day 22 | Day 24 >>