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127 lines (82 loc) · 7.73 KB

File metadata and controls

127 lines (82 loc) · 7.73 KB

### Please note

This version of the sandbox is aligned with the API specification 1.2.0 and cargo ontology version 2.0.0

A newer version will be approved shortly, i.e. API specification version 2.0.0 and cargo ontology version 3.0.0. These new versions are NOT compatible with this sandbox code.

We recommend that for testing you use the new drafts:

API specification 2.0.0 :

Cargo ontology 3.0.0 :

If you want to deploy a ONE Record server, please refer to the open source NE:ONE server from the DTAC consortium. This is fully aligned with these API and cargo ontology versions. NE:ONE :

Welcome to ONE Record Java Sandbox

This repository contains the code and instructions that will help you deploy your first ONE Record Server. Please follow the instructions in order to get the application running.


Before deploying the server, you will need to update the file with:

  1. the credentials for accessing your MongoDB database. You can find the instructions on how to setup a MongoDB database below.<username>:<password>@<databaseURI>/<databaseName>?retryWrites=true&w=majority

There are two files to edit:

  • One under src/main/resources
  • One under src/test/resources.

Local testing

Build & run the sandbox code

For testing the application locally, follow the next steps:

  1. Install Java = 8 and Maven.
  2. Install the Maven dependencies by running mvn -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2 clean install.
  3. (Optional) Download the latest ONE Record Turtle ontologies from Github + the latest Web Access Control from W3C by running mvn -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2 exec:java. As the latest models are already generated and committed in this repository according to the latest ontologies, kindly skip steps 4, 5 and 6.
  4. (SKIP) Generate ONE Record API related models by running mvn package -Dbuild=api
  5. (SKIP) Generate ONE Record cargo related data model by running mvn package -Dbuild=cargo. Optionally remove directory src/main/generated-sources/org/iata/cargo prior generating.
  6. (SKIP) Generate W3C Web Access Control ACL (Access Control List) related models by running mvn package -Dbuild=acl
  7. MongoDB has updated their server, so in order to have it work properly, one needs to add an extra VM argument. The solution is actually change the TLS Version to 1.2 in JVM params. -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2
  8. Run the server from OneRecordApplication or from the command line via mvn spring-boot:run"-Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2". Your application should be available at http://localhost:8080.
  9. The server can also be started by running the executable jar created in the /target folder after the mvn clean install command, via: java -jar -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2 one-record-server-java-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Swagger API Documentation

Swagger API Documentation can be accessed and tested via https://yourserverurl/swagger-ui.html. If you run the server locally, Swagger documentation can be accessed via http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html.

Postman collection

A Postman collection containing ONE Record API endpoints ready for testing can be found here.

JSON-LD models

JSON-LD generated files for the ONE Record Cargo related models, and the API specific models can be found here. Some examples with test values can be also found here.

Generate Java Models from the ontologies with JOPA

The JOPA generated Java models can be found under src/main/generated-sources. In order to generate the models, one should follow the steps below:

  1. Download the latest ONE Record Turtle ontologies from GitHub + the latest Web Access Control from W3C by running mvn exec:java.
  2. Generate ONE Record cargo related data model by running mvn package -Dbuild=cargo. Optionally remove directory src/main/generated-sources/org/iata/cargo prior generating.
  3. Generate ONE Record API related models by running mvn package -Dbuild=api.
  4. Generate W3C Web Access Control ACL (Access Control List) related models by running mvn package -Dbuild=acl.

Extra annotations were added in the Java model classes in order to improve the JSON-LD representation generated by JOPA. It is advised to compare the old version and new generated models via Git in order to restore the extra annotations:

  • @Id(generated = true) and @ApiModelProperty(readOnly = true) for the id field;
  • @JsonIgnore for name, description and properties fields;
  • Extra language field added;
  • @JsonProperty("@type") and @ApiModelProperty(allowableValues = Vocabulary.s_c_TheNameOfTheClass) for types field;
  • @Document(collection = "nameOfTheMongoDBCollection") for the models stored into MongoDB.


MongoDB database

ONE Record Server uses a MongoDB database. In order to setup quickly your own MongoDB environment, we suggest you to use a cloud database service such as MongoDB Atlas.

  1. To get started with MongoDB Atlas, follow these steps.
  2. Add your database URL to file: '': 'mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<databaseURI>/<databaseName>?retryWrites=true&w=majority'

Deployment to Heroku

You can deploy the ONE Record sandbox on the platform that you wish. We are providing you with simple steps to deploy the application on Heroku platform. You can find the complete instructions on how to deploy a Node.js application on Heroku here.

  1. Create a free Heroku account.
  2. Download and install Heroku CLI.
  3. Login to Heroku via command line: heroku login -i
  4. Checkout the Github repository
  5. Create an app on Heroku via heroku create. The output of the command should look like:

Creating app... done, ⬢ some-random-name |

You can now visualize your app via your Heroku dashboard.

  1. Add your Heroku remote as a remote in your current repository via the following command: heroku git:remote -a some-random-name
  2. Push the code from the Github repository to newly created app: git push heroku master.
  3. All set! Your server should be available at

Security in ONE Record

By default, the security layer supporting mutual TLS is disabled in this sandbox.


You can find further information about ONE Record specifications on the main Github repository, on the ONE Record Developer Poral and on the IATA dedicated webpage.