##DICOM object loader to CouchDB using Ruby DICOM and CouchREST##
- Ruby 1.9
- ImageMagick
- Bundler
- Gems: couchrest, couchrest_model, dicom, rmagick
Install Ruby 1.9 - We reccomend using RVM or rbenv + ruby_build
Install CouchDB - If you're a Mac user we recommend you install it via Homebrew with brew install couchdb
Install Imagemagick - If you're a Mac user we recommend you install it via Homebrew with brew install imagemagick
Install Bundler with 'gem install bundler'
Clone this repository and navigate to it's directory
Run 'bundle install' to have Bundler install the necessary gems
- Modify the following variables as needed for use as default in case of not options defined in the command line:
- DIRS = The directory to be read
- JPGDIR = The directory where JPEGS should be stored
- DBURL = The Database URL. Use authentication if you set up users in your database
- DB_BULK_SAVE_CACHE_LIMIT = Bulk save cache maximum number of documents
- dicom_attachment = Define if DICOM files should be attached inside the CouchDB document
- jpeg_attachment = Define if JPEG files should be attached inside the CouchDB document (eg. for serving as WADO)
- In the terminal type:
- cd scriptFolderLocation
- chmod +x couchdicom.rb
In your terminal:
./couchdicom.rb [options]
- -a, --attachments Switch to upload DICOM pixeldata as attachments
- -j, -- jpg_attachments Switch to upload WADO objects as jpg attachments
- -f FOLDER Define the directory to be read
- -t JPG_FOLDER Define the directory where temporary JPEGS should be stored
- -d DB_URL Define Database URL
This should create the database and load all documents read from your DICOM files
./couchdicom.rb -a -j -f dicomFolder -t temporaryJpgFolder -d dbURL
./couchdicom.rb -h
- The DICOM files need to be uncompressed (for now)
- Tha variable bind_addresss in the couchDB database must be equal to if you want to access the DB remotely