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ICP with Load Balancers on Google Cloud - Terraform Template

This Terraform template deploys on Google Cloud the IBM Cloud Private version 3.1.1 in an HA configuration.

Deployment overview

This template creates an environment where

  • The ICP cluster is deployed on a private network and VMs are accessed on public IP using a NAT Gateway
  • There are load balancers for master and proxy nodes
  • Most ICP services are disabled by default (they can be activated using the List of disabled management services property list available on deploy)
  • Minimal VM sizes ( the size can be changed at deployment time )
  • Separate Boot node deployed
  • Multiple Master nodes, accessed using a load balancer.
  • The number of the Master, Proxy, Management, Worker and VA nodes can be specified at deployment time.

Architecture Diagram


For more infomation on IBM Cloud Private Nodes, please reference the Knowledge Center:


  • The template has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04. RHEL is not supported in this version.

Security Groups

The automation leverages Security Groups to lock down public and private access to the cluster.

  • SSH is allowed to all cluster nodes to ease exploration and investigation
  • UDP and TCP port 30000 - 32767 are allowed on proxy node to enable use of NodePort
  • Inbound communication to the master node is permitted on ports relevant to the ICP service
  • All outbound communication is allowed.
  • All other communication is only permitted between cluster nodes.

Template Variables

The following tables list the template variables.

Name Required Description Default
ssh_user yes Username for IBM Cloud infrastructure account icpdeploy
region yes The region the resource should be created in.
zone yes The region zone the resource should be created in.
image_type yes The OS project and family to install on the VSIs. Only Ubuntu 16.04 has been validated. ubuntu
icp_inception_image yes ICP image to use for installation ibmcom/icp-inception-amd64:3.1.1-ee
docker_package_location no URI for docker package location, e.g. http:///icp-docker-17.09_x86_64.bin. If not specified and using Ubuntu, will install latest docker-ce off public repo.
image_location yes URI for image package location, e.g. http:///ibm-cloud-private-x86_64-3.1.1.tar.gz
icppassword no ICP administrator password. One will be generated if not set.
deployment yes Identifier prefix added to the host names of all your infrastructure resources for organising/naming ease icp
network_interface yes Network interface for the VMs ens4

Boot Node Input Settings

Name Description Type Default
nodes Boot number of nodes int 1
memory Boot Node Memory Allocation (mb) string 4096
cpu Boot Node vCPU Allocation string 2
disk_size Boot Node Boot Disk Size (GB) int 100
docker_vol_size Boot Nodes Docker Disk size (GB) int 100

Master Nodes Input Settings

Name Description Type Default
nodes Master number of nodes int 1
memory Master Node Memory Allocation (mb) string 32768
cpu Master Node vCPU Allocation string 16
disk_size Master Node Boot Disk Size (GB) int 300
docker_vol_size Master Nodes Docker Disk size (GB) int 100

Proxy Nodes Input Settings

Name Description Type Default
nodes Proxy number of nodes. int 1
memory Proxy Node Memory Allocation (mb) string 4096
cpu Proxy Node vCPU Allocation string 4
disk_size Proxy Node Boot Disk Size (GB) int 100
docker_vol_size Proxy Nodes Docker Disk size (GB) int 100

Management Nodes Input Settings

Name Description Type Default
nodes Management number of nodes. int 1
memory Management Node Memory Allocation (mb) string 16384
cpu Management Node vCPU Allocation string 4
disk_size Management Node Boot Disk Size (GB) int 100
docker_vol_size Management Nodes Docker Disk size (GB) int 100

VA Nodes Input Settings

Name Description Type Default
nodes VA number of nodes. int 1
memory VA Node Memory Allocation (mb) string 16384
cpu VA Node vCPU Allocation string 8
disk_size VA Node Boot Disk Size (GB) int 100
docker_vol_size VA Nodes Docker Disk size (GB) int 100

Worker Nodes Input Settings

Name Description Type Default
nodes Worker number of nodes. int 3
memory Worker Node Memory Allocation (mb) string 16384
cpu Worker Node vCPU Allocation string 4
disk_size Worker Node Boot Disk Size (GB) int 100
docker_vol_size Worker Nodes Docker Disk size (GB) int 100

Template Output Variables

Name Description
ibm_cloud_private_admin_url IBM Cloud Private Cluster URL
ibm_cloud_private_admin_user IBM Cloud Private Admin Username
ibm_cloud_private_admin_password IBM Cloud Private Admin Password
ibm_cloud_private_cluster_name IBM Cloud Private Cluster name
ibm_cloud_private_cluster_CA_domain_name IBM Cloud Private CA domain name
ibm_cloud_private_boot_ip IP of the IBM Cloud Private Boot node
ibm_cloud_private_master_ip IP of the IBM Cloud Private Master Load Balancer
ibm_cloud_private_ssh_user SSH user used to access the vms
ibm_cloud_private_ssh_key SSH key, base64 encoded, used to access the vm using the above ibm_cloud_private_ssh_user
connection_name Name of the Connection Data Object created after the instance deployment. Used to access the IBM Cloud Private instance from other deployments