- Submit an issue describing your proposed change to the repo in question.
- The repo owners will respond to your issue promptly.
- Fork the desired repo, develop and test your code changes.
- Commit your changes with DCO
- Submit a pull request.
Anyone may comment on issues and submit reviews for pull requests. However, in order to be assigned an issue or pull request, you must be a member of the IBM GitHub organization.
Repo maintainers can assign you an issue or pull request by leaving a
/assign <your Github ID>
comment on the issue or pull request.
The project maintainers use LGTM (Looks Good To Me) in comments on the code review to indicate acceptance. A change requires LGTMs from two of the maintainers of each component affected.
For a list of the maintainers, see the MAINTAINERS.md page.
Each source file must include a license header for the Apache Software License 2.0. Using the SPDX format is the simplest approach. e.g.
Copyright <holder> All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
We have tried to make it as easy as possible to make contributions. This applies to how we handle the legal aspects of contribution. We use the same approach - the Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1 (DCO) - that the Linux® Kernel community uses to manage code contributions.
We simply ask that when submitting a patch for review, the developer must include a sign-off statement in the commit message.
Here is an example Signed-off-by line, which indicates that the submitter accepts the DCO:
Signed-off-by: John Doe <john.doe@example.com>
You can include this automatically when you commit a change to your local git repository using the following command:
git commit -s
- PEP8
Make sure that pytest
is passing.