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Steve Martinelli edited this page Jun 17, 2018 · 5 revisions

Short Name

Create a smarter procurement system with Watson services

Short Description

Use Watson Knowledge Studio (WKS) to build a custom model to better categorize and structure procurement-related data for Watson Discovery to process and enrich. The results provide procurement users the data they need to make purchasing decisions more quickly and accurately.

Offering Type



In this code pattern we will be creating a complete end-to-end solution for a procurement use case. Currently, customers perform analysis of various market reports on their own or hire experts to make procurement decisions. These experts analyze reports captured from data sources, a process that can be time consuming and prone to human error, which could potentially cause a chain effect of issues that can impact production.

By using our intelligent procurement system, based on Watson Knowledge Studio (WKS) and Watson Discovery, a customer can receive expert analysis more quickly and accurately.


By Rajesh Gudikoti, Ramesh Poomalai, and Rich Hagarty






This code pattern demonstrates how to create a complete end-to-end procurement system using Watson Knowledge Studio (WKS), Watson Discovery and Compose for JanusGraph. WKS can be used to build a custom model to better categorize and structure procurement data so that Watson Discovery can deliver more accurate results. Those results are then used to build relationship graphs stored in JanusGraph.

By using our intelligent procurement system, based on Watson Knowledge Studio (WKS) and Watson Discovery, a customer can receive expert analysis more quickly and accurately. The customer must first train the WKS model with various use cases (via reports) to better catagorize and structure the data so that Watson Discovery can deliver more accurate results. The target end user of this system is a person working in a procurement role at a company.

The data we will be using for this Code Pattern comes from newsletters retrieved from Borica, a global specialty chemical company. The newsletters contain information regarding global market suppliers, such as facility status, and supply capacities and shortages.

As a developer going through this code pattern, you will learn how to:

  • Build a data model in Watson Knowledge Studio.
  • Import that model into Watson Discovery.
  • Graph the dependencies of a procurement type system.

As an end user, you will be able to:

  • Query suppliers for a specific commodity.
  • Retrieve information about a supplier and their facility availability.
  • Query to retrieve supplier constraints.
  • Query supply status based on region.


  1. Load type system and corpus files into Watson Knowledge Studio.
  2. A user generates a model by training and evaluating data.
  3. The WKS model is deployed to Watson Discovery.
  4. Application queries Watson Discovery for procurement data.
  5. Application sends procurement data to JanusGraph to build a graph.
  6. A user uses the app to select a query to perform, which retrieves the graph data from JanusGraph.

Included components

  • Watson Knowledge Studio: Teach Watson the language of your domain with custom models that identify entities and relationships unique to your industry, in unstructured text. Use the models in Watson Discovery, Watson Natural Language Understanding, and Watson Explorer.
  • Watson Discovery: A cognitive search and content analytics engine for applications to identify patterns, trends, and actionable insights.
  • Compose for JanusGraph: JanusGraph is a scalable graph database optimized for storing and querying highly-interconnected data modeled as millions or billions of vertices and edges

Featured Technologies

  • Artificial Intelligence: Artificial intelligence can be applied to disparate solution spaces to deliver disruptive technologies.



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