At IBM Watson Studio is where you can analyze data using Jupyter Notebooks and RStudio in an easy designed environment that includes all IBM needed services and kernels for data analytics.
- A model setup on IBM Watson Studios is needed to perform the prediction scoring of the beats per minute (bpm)
- Create a new project in there (click on "+ Add a Project" OR on "Create A New Project" from homepage)
- Choose Spark to create an instance of it
Creating an environment with Spark and Python
You can always come back and create the needed kernel
After deploy
- Make use of Pulse Rates.ipynb as your Jupyter notebook model
- Make use of pulse-rate.csv to feed it into the Spark pipeline in your model
- I used for my IBM Watson Studio Jupyter notebook these following Kernel versions: Spark 2.1 and Python 3.5
Important: This pattern's notebook is running on IBM Watson Studio and not local. Make sure you have Spark associated as a Kernel for your project. If you want to run it local make sure you have Spark installed and plugged in as a kernel in your local notebook.
If you get this following error. Make sure you don't have another version of python
installed on some local path.