title | tags |
toCurrency |
math,string,intermediate |
Take a number and return specified currency formatting.
- Use
to enable country / currency sensitive formatting.
const toCurrency = (n, curr, LanguageFormat = undefined) =>
Intl.NumberFormat(LanguageFormat, { style: 'currency', currency: curr }).format(n);
toCurrency(123456.789, 'EUR'); // €123,456.79 | currency: Euro | currencyLangFormat: Local
toCurrency(123456.789, 'USD', 'en-us'); // $123,456.79 | currency: US Dollar | currencyLangFormat: English (United States)
toCurrency(123456.789, 'USD', 'fa'); // ۱۲۳٬۴۵۶٫۷۹ $ | currency: US Dollar | currencyLangFormat: Farsi
toCurrency(322342436423.2435, 'JPY'); // ¥322,342,436,423 | currency: Japanese Yen | currencyLangFormat: Local
toCurrency(322342436423.2435, 'JPY', 'fi'); // 322 342 436 423 ¥ | currency: Japanese Yen | currencyLangFormat: Finnish