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Create dataset for InfoSphere Streams benchmark

Zubair Nabi edited this page Jun 26, 2014 · 21 revisions

Before you begin, make sure you have prepared the dataset following the steps from here: [Preprocess Enron Email Dataset](Preprocess Enron Email Dataset)


The StreamsPrepareDataset project can be used to create the data set for the Streams benchmark. It reads the email dataset prepared from the previous step, and create a file that stores the emails in InfoSphere Streams binary format.


  1. Avro C++: 1.7.4

    Installation Guide:

    Make sure the include files are located at /usr/local/include and shared libraries at /usr/local/lib

  2. Boost 1.54.0 (required by Avro)

    Installation Guide:

    Make sure the include files are located at /usr/local/include and shared libraries at /usr/local/lib

  3. Avro Email Schema File

    Copy the directory emailavro from StreamsPrepareDataset to /usr/local/include

    You can also alternatively regenerate email.hh by using the Avro C++ compiler: avrogencpp email.avsc

    email.avsc is present in StreamsPrepareDataset


To build the application:

  1. Go to the root directory of StreamsPrepareDataset
  2. type make all at the command line

Set up

Before you can run the application, copy the dataset generated from the previous step to StreamsPrepareDataset/data directory.


  1. Make sure a Streams instance is created and running.
  2. To submit the job to the Streams instance: streamtool submitjob output/Main/Distributed/Main.adl filename=<input_file_name>

Next Step:

[Running InfoSphere Streams benchmark ](Running InfoSphere Streams benchmark )