opennotr is a nat tranversal application base on tproxy
and openresty.
opennotr provides http, https, grpc, tcp and udp nat traversal. For http, https, grpc, opennotr supports multi client share the 80/443 ports, it maybe useful for wechat, facebook webhook debug.
Status: Stable
The technical architecture of opennotr
opennotr provides these features:
- Supports multi protocol, http, https, grpc, tcp, udp.
- Multi client shares the same http, https, grpc port, for example: client A use
domain, client B
, they can both use 80 port for http. Opennotr use openresty for dynamic upstream. - Dynamic dns support, opennotr use coredns and etcd for dynamic dns.
- Support plugin
Build binary:
The binary file will created in bin folder.
Build docker image:
This scripts will run
and build an image name opennotr
Install via docker-compose
- create configuration file
mkdir /opt/data/opennotrd
An example of configuration folder tree is:
root@iZwz97kfjnf78copv1ae65Z:/opt/data/opennotrd# tree
|-- cert ---------------------> cert folder
| |-- upstream.crt
| `-- upstream.key
`-- notrd.yaml ---------------> opennotr config file
2 directories, 5 files
the cert folder MUST be created and the crt and key file MUST created too.
listen: ":10100"
authKey: "client server exchange key"
domain: ""
tcplisten: ":4398"
udplisten: ":4399"
cidr: ""
ip: ""
tcp: |
"PortMin": 10000,
"PortMax": 20000
udp: |
"PortMin": 20000,
"PortMax": 30000
http: |
"adminUrl": ""
https: |
"adminUrl": ""
h2c: |
"adminUrl": ""
the only one configuration item you should change is domain: ""
, replace
with your own domain.
- Run with docker
docker run --privileged --net=host -v /opt/logs/opennotr:/opt/resty-upstream/logs -v /opt/data/opennotrd:/opt/conf -d opennotr
Or use docker-compose
docker-compose up -d opennotrd
Run opennotr client
prepare config fileconfig.yaml
serverAddr: ""
key: "client server exchange key"
domain: ""
# forward table
- protocol: tcp
# public port: local port
2222: 2222
- protocol: udp
53: 53
- protocol: http
0: 8080
- protocol: https
0: 8081
- protocol: h2c
0: 50052
and then you can run the opennotr client using ./opennotr -conf config.yaml
opennotr provide plugin interface for developer, Yes, tcp and udp are buildin plugins.
For a new plugin, you should implement the IPlugin interface which contains RunProxy method.
// IPlugin defines plugin interface
// Plugin should implements the IPlugin
type IPlugin interface {
// Setup calls at the begin of plugin system initialize
// plugin system will pass the raw message to plugin's Setup function
Setup(json.RawMessage) error
// Close a proxy, it may be called by client's connection close
StopProxy(item *PluginMeta)
// Run a proxy, it may be called by client's connection established
RunProxy(item *PluginMeta) error
And then implement the interface
package tcpproxy
import (
func init() {
plugin.Register("tcp", &TCPProxy{})
type TCPProxy struct{}
func (t *TCPProxy) Setup(config json.RawMessage) error { return nil }
func (t *TCPProxy) StopProxy(item *plugin.PluginMeta) {}
func (t *TCPProxy) RunProxy(item *plugin.PluginMeta) error {
return fmt.Errorf("TODO://")
and then import the plugin package
import (
// plugin import
_ ""
A programer name ICKelin.