ICE will send POST requests to your server, in which the body will be a JSON representation of the notification.
Your server should return a 200 status code. Any other status code will be considered a failure by our backend.
ICE will retry later (up to 5 times). The retries follow an exponential backoff and jitter mechanism.
After 5 retries, we will stop sending notifications and send you an email containing the event payload.
"version": "0",
"id": "6a7e8feb-b491-4cf7-a9f1-bf3703467718",
"detailType": "ICE Completed Campaign Notification",
"source": "",
"timeOfEvent": "2022-23-22T18:43:48Z",
"timeOfNotification": "2022-23-22T18:43:48Z",
"detail": {
"campaignId": 23563,
"subCampaigns" : [
"subCampaignId": 235631,
"status": "COMPLETED"
"subCampaignId": "235632",
"status": "COMPLETED"
"createdByUserId": 2354,
"createdByUsername": "Ahmad Sujana",
"forBusinessUserId": 2644,
"title": "My Campaign",
"productName": "Giant Kitchen Ware",
"categories": [
"categoryId": 2,
"category": "Home Living"
"objective": "This is the objective of this campaign",
"startTimeInMillis": 63129836213,
"endTimeInMillis": 63129836213,
"createdTimeInMillis": 1680152991343,
"totalPrice": 685000,
"totalTax": 75350,
"totalTaxDeduction": 13700,
"totalChargeablePriceWithTaxAndDeduction": 746650,
"invoiceNumber": "INV/2023230/IPL/4399345899",
"orderNumber": "",
"status": "COMPLETED"
Each notification is identified by its detailType. Below is the list of notification types and their descriptions:
- ICE Subcampaign Rejected: A subcampaign was rejected by the influencer.
- ICE Awaiting Content: A subcampaign was accepted by the influencer.
- ICE Campaign Rejected: All subcampaigns were rejected by the influencer.
- ICE Awaiting Content Verification: Influencer has uploaded draft content.
- ICE Awaiting POP: Business user approved the draft content.
- ICE Awaiting POP Verification: Influencer has uploaded Proof of Post (POP).
- ICE Awaiting POI: Business user approved the Proof of Post (POP).
- ICE Awaiting POI Verification: Influencer has uploaded Proof of Insight (POI).
- ICE Subcampaign Completed:
- Business user approved the Proof of Insight (POI).
- Other subcampaigns in the campaign are still incomplete.
- ICE Campaign Completed:
- Business user approved the Proof of Insight (POI).
- All subcampaigns in the campaign are completed.