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64 lines (49 loc) · 3.26 KB

File metadata and controls

64 lines (49 loc) · 3.26 KB

Contributing to Fly-Pie

Thank you for contributing your idea to Fly-Pie! Here are some guidelines to help you comply with the workflow used in this project.

Whenever you encounter a 🪲 bug or have a 🎉 feature request, report this via Github issues.

We are happy to receive contributions to Fly-Pie in the form of pull requests via Github. Feel free to fork the repository, implement your changes and create a merge request to the main branch.


Developing a GNOME Shell extension is not easy, as debugging possibilities are quite limited. One thing you should always do is to monitor GNOME Shells output for error or debug messages produced by Fly-Pie. This can be done with the command below. This may print many unrelated messages, but using grep like this highlights all occurrences of flypie which makes spotting Fly-Pie-related messages much easier.

journalctl -f -o cat | grep -E 'flypie|'

Branching Guidelines

The development of Fly-Pie uses a very simple branching scheme:

  • The latest release will be referenced with a tag in the format v<version number>.
  • The main branch always contains the latest development version.
  • New features are implemented in feature/* branches and merged to main once they are finished.
  • Bug fixes are implemented in fix/#<issue number> branches and merged to main once they are finished.

Git Commit Messages

Commits should start with a Capital letter and should be written in present tense (e.g. 🎉 Add cool new feature instead of 🎉 Added cool new feature). You should also start your commit message with one applicable emoji. This does not only look great but also makes you rethink what to add to a commit. Make many but small commits!

Emoji Description
🎉 :tada: When you added a cool new feature.
🔧 :wrench: When you added a piece of code.
♻️ :recycle: When you refactored a part of the code.
:sparkles: When you applied clang-format.
🌐 :globe_with_meridians: When you worked on translations.
🎨 :art: When you improved / added assets like themes.
💄 :lipstick: When you worked on the UI of the preferences dialog.
🚀 :rocket: When you improved performance.
📝 :memo: When you wrote documentation.
🪲 :beetle: When you fixed a bug.
💞 :revolving_hearts: When a new sponsor is added or credits are updated.
✔️ :heavy_check_mark: When you worked on checks or adjusted the code to be compliant with them.
🔀 :twisted_rightwards_arrows: When you merged a branch.
🔥 :fire: When you removed something.
🚚 :truck: When you moved / renamed something.

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