The results obtained by MIP and BnP are in the MIP and BnP folders, respectively, and are classified by instance in the folder.
The results at the root node obtained using MP and MP-SP are in the root_mp and root_mpsp folders, respectively.
The results obtained by CG-based Heuristic are in the Heuristic folder.
Each JSON file contains the following information:
- "problem": {
- "name": problem name,
- "datafile": data file name,
- "num_cust_nodes": number of customers,
- "num_tot_nodes": num_cust_nodes + 2 (including depots),
- "Gamma": 𝚪,
- "t_range": coefficient for truck's travel time uncertainty,
- "Delta": 𝛥,
- "d_range": coefficient for drone's flight time uncertainty,
- "num_drones": number of drones,
- "drone_time_multiplier": a constant to be multiplied to drone's flight time,
- "drone_cost_multiplier": a constant to be multiplied to drone's cost,
- "flight_limit": drone's maximum flight range,
- "demand_ratio": drone's demand limit ratio },
- "timelimit": time limit in seconds,
- "num_cpus": numbe of threads,
- "alg": name of algorithm,
- "root_LP": root LP bound,
- "tot_cg_iterations": total number of CG iterations,
- "global_lb": global lower bound,
- "time": solving time in seconds,
- "obj": best integer objective value,
- "tot_mp_time": total time spent for solving MP,
- "tot_sp_time": total time spent for solving SP,
- "tot_sp_heu1_time": total time spent for solving SP-heuristic 1,
- "tot_sp_heu2_time": total time spent for solving SP-heuristic 2,
- "tot_sp_exact_time": total time spent for solving SP-exact,
- "tot_num_sp_heu1": total number of solving SP-heuristic 1,
- "tot_num_sp_heu2": total number of solving SP-heuristic 2,
- "tot_num_sp_exact": total number of solving SP-exact,
- "tot_sp1_time": total time spent for solving SP1 (summed for all threads),
- "tot_sp2_time": total time spent for solving SP2 (summed for all threads),
- "tot_heu_time": total time spent for solving primal heiristic,
- "raw_solution": [value, truck pattern, [drone patterns]],
- "solution": [truck pattern, [drone dispatching sequences]],
- "num_bnb_nodes": number of explored BnB nodes,
- "num_bnb_remaining_nodes": number of remaining BnB nodes,
- "tot_num_gen_cols": total number of generated columns,
- "tot_num_labels": total number of generated labels(truck routes),
- "termination_status": solution status }