This README contains instructions for building a trimmed down version of the image and the upgrades done to the same vis-a-vis the upstream.
Docker file to modify: Dockerfile
Command to buid: docker buildx build -t intocps/ml-workspace-minimal:0.15.0-b4 .
The successful builds are published to docker hub. Please see this page
The v0.15.0-b2 works well but the v0.15.0-b4 has the following upgrades and problems. The matching git commits can be seen on the tags page
Cumulative upgrades done:
- Upgrade OS to Ubuntu 22.04
- Upgrade nodejs to 18.x (the vscode server can only work over 18.x)
- Upgrade vscode server to 4.89.0
- Upgrade Jupyter notebook to 6.5.7 (newer versions of notebook and lab require nodejs 20.x or newer)
- Upgrade Jupyter lab to 4.0.2
- Upgrade python to 3.10
- Upgrade Conda and Miniconda to 24.4.0-0
- Jupyter lab does not load
- VNC desktop does not work (due to Ubuntu 22.04 upgrade)