Fernando Corrales, Coordinador de ProteoRed, Centro Nacional de Biotecnología
Friday, August 4.
- The price of sequencing a single genome has dropped from the $3 billion spent by the original Human Genome Project 15 years ago to as little as $700.
- All PROTEins expressed by the genOME at a given time and specific conditions.
- Many variables affect the expression and activity of proteins: cell type, age, external stimuli, ...
"The proteome is a fractal system; the more you go deep, the more you have to do"
Translating genomes into cellular functions.
Discovery > Verification > Clinical validation
Some applications are already a routine in the clinics.
- Complete annotation of human proteome is mandatory.
- Dissemination and accessibility to the whole scientific community.
- New technical developments.
To define and promote proteomics through international cooperation and collaborations by fostering the development of new technologies, techniques and training to better understand human disease.
The Human Proteome Project (HPP) is an international project organized by the Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) that aims to revolutionize our understanding of the human proteome via a coordinated effort by many research laboratories around the world. It is designed to map the entire human proteome in a systematic effort using currently available and emerging techniques. Completion of this project will enhance understanding of human biology at the cellular level and lay a foundation for development of diagnostic, prognostic, therapeutic, and preventive medical applications.
MISSION By characterizing all 20,300 genes of the known genome, the Human Proteome Project will generate the map of the protein based molecular architecture of the human body and become a resource to help elucidate biological and molecular function and advance diagnosis and treatment of diseases.