From 86aa20983f1dd5033d8fad522e3373efcf0a8b5e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "github-bot :robot" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2022 11:03:40 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Update for Release v0.5.0

--- | 111 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 59 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index a1e0c22..b98eb3f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -6,95 +6,102 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
 ## [Unreleased]
+## [0.5.0] - 2022-12-13
 ### Added
-- Command _east build_ will now after every build step copy
-  `compile_commands.json`, if found, from the build directory to the project
-  directory. This makes job of locating this file easier for clangd. Help
-  description for _east build_ was updated to reflect that.
+-   Command _east build_ will now after every build step copy
+    `compile_commands.json`, if found, from the build directory to the project
+    directory. This makes job of locating this file easier for clangd. Help
+    description for _east build_ was updated to reflect that.
 ### Changed
-- Make east.yml optional for everything, except for the usage of east build
-  command with --build-type option.
-- Make apps key and samples key inside east.yml optional. This is useful for
-  driver projects, which do not need apps, or any project that might not have
-  samples.
+-   Make east.yml optional for everything, except for the usage of east build
+    command with --build-type option.
+-   Make apps key and samples key inside east.yml optional. This is useful for
+    driver projects, which do not need apps, or any project that might not have
+    samples.
 ### Fixed
-- Properly handle _east build_ commands outside of applications and samples.
-  This means that running _east build_ command will default to plain west
-  behaviour, as it should.
+-   Properly handle _east build_ commands outside of applications and samples.
+    This means that running _east build_ command will default to plain west
+    behaviour, as it should.
 ## [0.4.0] - 2022-11-21
 ### Added
-- Support for --build-type option for build command. The use of this option is
-  documented in detail in "docs/". --build-type option was
-  tested exhaustively with unit tests and various test fixtures with pytest. The
-  tests can be found in tests folder.
-- Projects using east tool from now on need east.yml file in the root directory.
-  See above mentioned document.
+-   Support for --build-type option for build command. The use of this option is
+    documented in detail in "docs/". --build-type option was
+    tested exhaustively with unit tests and various test fixtures with pytest. The
+    tests can be found in tests folder.
+-   Projects using east tool from now on need east.yml file in the root directory.
+    See above mentioned document.
 ### Fixed
-- Error code propagation through Nordic's Toolchain Manager.
+-   Error code propagation through Nordic's Toolchain Manager.
 ## [0.3.0] - 2022-10-05
 ### Added
-- _bypass_ command, which can take any set of arguments that west command
-  supports and pass them directly to west tool.
-- _util connect_ and _util rtt_ commands. With first you connect to the device,
-  with second you can observe RTT logs while connected.
-- _build_ and _flash_ commands now support extra positional arguments after
-  double dash `--`. Run them with --help string to learn what do they do.
+-   _bypass_ command, which can take any set of arguments that west command
+    supports and pass them directly to west tool.
+-   _util connect_ and _util rtt_ commands. With first you connect to the device,
+    with second you can observe RTT logs while connected.
+-   _build_ and _flash_ commands now support extra positional arguments after
+    double dash `--`. Run them with --help string to learn what do they do.
 ### Fixed
-- Incorrect no toolchain message.
-- \--force flag was not set as flag by Click.
-- \--jlink-id should be of type str but it was not.
-- No westdir related bug that came up in demonstration.
+-   Incorrect no toolchain message.
+-   \--force flag was not set as flag by Click.
+-   \--jlink-id should be of type str but it was not.
+-   No westdir related bug that came up in demonstration.
 ## [0.2.0] - 2022-10-03
 ### Added
-- _sys-setup_ command which will install system-wide dependencies to the host
-  machine.
-- Global _--echo_ flag which echoes every shell command before executing it.
-- _update toolchain_ command - Command will download and install appropriate
-  version of toolchain based on the detected NCS version. If NCS version is
-  currently not supported it throws an error.
+-   _sys-setup_ command which will install system-wide dependencies to the host
+    machine.
+-   Global _--echo_ flag which echoes every shell command before executing it.
+-   _update toolchain_ command - Command will download and install appropriate
+    version of toolchain based on the detected NCS version. If NCS version is
+    currently not supported it throws an error.
 ### Changed
-- Structure of the commands. Commands are now split into two groups: workspace
-  commands and system commands. This is reflected in the project directory
-  structure and help texts.
-- Workspace commands will now use downloaded toolchain whenever they can.
+-   Structure of the commands. Commands are now split into two groups: workspace
+    commands and system commands. This is reflected in the project directory
+    structure and help texts.
+-   Workspace commands will now use downloaded toolchain whenever they can.
 ## [0.1.42] - 2022-09-20
 ### Added
-- Build command which can build firmware in current directory.
-- Flash command which flashes code binary.
-- Clean command which deletes build folder.
-- Styling look with rich click module.
-- Use newer pyproject.toml format for metadata specification.
-- MIT license file.
-- Makefile for development.
-- Docker scripts for building and running docker containers, for development
-  purposes.
+-   Build command which can build firmware in current directory.
+-   Flash command which flashes code binary.
+-   Clean command which deletes build folder.
+-   Styling look with rich click module.
+-   Use newer pyproject.toml format for metadata specification.
+-   MIT license file.
+-   Makefile for development.
+-   Docker scripts for building and running docker containers, for development
+    purposes.