Releases: ITHit/WebDAVServerSamples
Releases · ITHit/WebDAVServerSamples
- Default handler page header in samples and code generated by WebDAV wizard updated.
- Visual Studio WebDAV wizard option names mixed-up. This bug is now fixed.
- If paging or sorting is selected and the server is down, JavaScrip error in the web browser console. Now an error dialog with error description is shown.
- Logging of G Suite errors refactored. If G Suite Web Hook failed, a proper error message is logged to WebDAVLog.txt.
- "Loading..." is displayed in the G Suite edit/preview panel for Non-MS Office documents if a non-MS Office document is selected after editing the MS Office document. Now "This type of file can not be edited in G Suite." message is displayed.
- If G Suite Edit/Preview is not supported the G Suite Edit menu is displayed but is disabled.
- In the case of cookies authentication, the cookie name is automatically selected. In case of a Web Forms project the ".ASPXAUTH" cookie is spacified, ".AspNet.ApplicationCookie" in case of OWIN project.
- On the default handler page, the tooltip on the Edit button does not change when MS Office editing is changed to G Suite editing and backward. Not tooltip changes according to selected mode MS Office / G Suite.
- Config files in samples refactored and fixed.
- WebDAV wizards for Visual Studio updated. WebDAV wizards G Suite option can now read and parse service account ID and private key configuration from the JSON file. G Suite configuration options generation updated, samples refactored.
- Internet Explorer 9 support option removed from WebDAV wizard. PostUpload module is not added to web.config and other config files anymore.
- WebDAV wizards for Visual Studio now support the G Suite option.
- ASP.NET samples now support G Suite integration and provide G Suite account configuration options.
- In the case of the .NET Framework project, some modules contained incorrect references. Now, this bug is fixed.
- ITHit.GSuite.Server.dll, ITHit.Server.dll, ITHit.Server.Web.dll, ITHit.Server.Core.dll, ITHit.Server.Owin.dll, ITHit.Server.HttpListener.dll, ITHit.Server.WebListener.dll modules were missing from the zip archive. Now, these modules are added to the zip archive.
- Files placed in the root folder during upload, regardless of the current folder. Incorrect target folder specified in JavaScript on a default handler page. Now upload places file(s) into the current folder.
- G Suite Engine preview functionality is updated. Now the Engine can display preview for PDF, TXT, DOC, XLS, PPT, and other files.
- Editing via G Suite with editor integrated on a web page is provided in samples. Tabs with document preview and edit are provided.
- Documents printing via WebDAV Ajax Library protocol app in samples on a default GET handler page is provided.
- ITHit.Server.Web module did not add to the project by VS WebDAV wizard and in WebDAV server samples. Now ITHit.Server.Web is properly added.
- WebDAV server samples with SQL back-end and code generated by VS WebDAV wizard incorrect paging in search results. This bug is now fixed.
- WebDAV server samples with SQL back-end and code generated by VS WebDAV wizard full-text search is refactored and optimized.
- Search results error processing is provided in WebDAV server samples.
- Two wwwroot folders created in added to the project by WebDAV Server Implementation wizard. This bug is now fixed.
- Default GET handler page horizontal scrolling fixed on small screens.
- Microsoft Office documents preview functionality using Google G Suite is provided. Custom GET handler page is refactored to provide a preview panel and table resizing.
- Obsolete VS wizards files removed from
- Table horizontal resizing fixed on custom GET handler page in samples.
- Microsoft Office Excel failed to save content after first successful save. Etag did not update during content modification. This bug is now fixed.
- CalDAV Android synchronization does not work. DavContext.UserId is null because OPTIONS requests must be left unauthenticated according to HTTP standard. Now OPTIONS requests are authenticated in case of CalDAV / CardDAV projects.
- Class reference documentation fixed and updated.