Releases: ITISFoundation/osparc-simcore
Releases · ITISFoundation/osparc-simcore
- Bugfix/fix aws postgres endpoint (#1933)
- bugfix #1853: garbage collector deletes guest users (#1928)
- Bugfix/sidecar starts as cpu (#1932)
- use big int instead of int (#1931)
- fix commit is not head of the branch
- fix bad configuration forcing sidecar to start as CPU (#1930)
- Replace trafaret by pydantic for services config (iteration 1/2) (#1890)
- e2e: Dump console logs and network events to artifact file (#1925)
- Fix (un)grouping (#1919)
- Maintenance: upgrades reqs week 44 (#1921)
- Adding image digests to databases (#1914)
- Breadcrumb Navigation (#1902)
- fix unit test that checks all images are the same (#1916)
- fix redis version (#1913)
- replace uuid in the ui section as well (#1912)
- Is/stop pipeline (#1879)
- Corrections for service submission form (#1908)
- TI Treatment Planning (#1905)
- Maybe fixing bug about not working service submission form (#1906)
- Pipeline status (front) (#1891)
- Guided mode (#1867)
- maintenance: weekly reqs update (#1896)
- New director service (first iteration) (#1767)
- read host from url (#1897)
- Bump ujson from 3.2.0 to 4.0.1 in /packages/service-library (#1873)
- fixed waitForServices (#1888)
- Security rate limit password reset (#1881)
- pipline will run after a service is removed (#1882)
- Is/use pipeline status (backend) (#1843)
- waitForServices fixed (#1885)
- e2e: sim4life (#1880)
Staging Wankel2
Staging Wankel1
Staging Shu3
: RABBIT_CHANNELS env without celery part
- UI: Guided mode (only visible in development environments) (#1867)
- Is/stop pipeline (#1879)
- Pipeline status (#1891) (#1843)
- UI: Breadcrumb Navigation (#1902)
- e2e: new test with sim4life service (#1880)
- New director service (first iteration and still NOT deployed) (#1767)
- Adding image digests to databases (#1914)
- fix unit test that checks all images are the same (#1916)
- fix redis version (#1913)
- replace uuid in the ui section as well (#1912)
- Corrections for service submission form (#1908)(#1906)
- Security rate limit password reset (#1881)
- pipeline will run after a service is removed (#1882)
- fixed waitForServices (#1888)
- read host from url (#1897)
- Is1877/allow constraints on director services (#1878)
- Bump isort from 5.5.4 to 5.6.3 in /packages/service-library (#1872)
- if a zip is expected do not unzip (#1868)
- Update REGISTRY_URL (#1869)
- set jpg quality to 15% (#1871)
- Fixes registry step in e2e-CI (#1870)
- Facilitation of Collaborative Work (#1863)
- Fix/catalog service request non-responsive (#1846)
- Bump isort from 5.5.3 to 5.5.4 in /packages/service-library (#1857)
- Bump testing reqs: pytest to 6.1.1 and faker to 4.4.0 (#1861)
- added models library python package (#1856)
- Is1838/fogbugz areas per product (#1850)
- adds jq and curl (#1855)
Staging Shu2
Staging Shu1
Staging Nephelai4
- webserver does not need to be deployed on a manager node
- Fix resource manger alive keys always have a TTL (#1848)
- Minor e2e: prefix Template name to Screenshots (#1849)
- Maintenance/weekly upgrades (#1841)
- More e2e (#1845)
- Enable orphan service removal + making stop service more solid (#1842)
- Disable cache when reloading studies (#1844)
- e2e false positives (#1840)
- trying to make ci more readable (#1831)
- TIS logo replaced (#1837)
- screenshots every 2 seconds for p2e (#1839)
- Freezes extra packages to run pylint CI (#1830)
- Minor fix catalog exception exception and doc (#1829)
- Computational services can have an interactive service as input (#1825)
- BugFix: Fix/catalog model (#1826)
- Fixes sidecar reqs (#1827)
- weekly maintenance and changes on makefile recipes (#1804)
- Bump isort from 5.5.1 to 5.5.3 in /packages/service-library (#1821)
- Bump aiozipkin from 0.7.0 to 0.7.1 in /packages/service-library (#1822)
- disabling gc step3 (#1819)
- Is1744/attach state to project (#1818)
- Is1793/serving multiple products (#1802)
- UI fixes/improvements and more (#1817)
- Remove non-working debug config (#1809)
- Maintenance/fix puppet (#1803)
- filter studies based on URL/access rights to services (#1813)
- Minors (#1815)
- p2e scripts moved to osparc-simcore (#1811)
- garbage collector system overhaul and extras (#1724)
- take screenshots in fulPage mode (#1810)
- Unused applications out (#1808)
- catalog upgrade and improved IPC with director service (#1786)
- Theming applications (#1788)
- Filter catalog based on URL (#1792)
- The puppeteer image with node 14 (#1789)
- e2e: Wait longer for sleepers (#1790)
- Fix Study lock (#1787)
- urls to manuals (#1753)
- fix parenthesis mix-up
- [maintenance] Various improvements on logs to assist debugging (#1763)
- Bugfix/sleepers tutorial hangs (#1777)
- Show statics in Preferences (#1779)
- Feature/e2e periodic screenshots (II) (#1778)
- Take screenshots every second (#1770)
- Bugfix/use aio pika connect (#1771)
- update docker-compose to 1.26.2 (#1772)